금강 하구의 해수순환역학

  • Chung, Jong Yul (Department of Oceanography, Seoul National University) ;
  • Lee, Jae Hak (Department of Oceanography, Inha University) ;
  • An, Hui Soo (Department of Earth Science, Seoul National University)
  • Published : 1983.12.01


In order to understand the circulation dynamics of the Keum River estuary, an extensive study was conducted; (i) variability of salinity boundary layer (ii) fluid dynamic characteristics (iii) tides and tidal currents (iv) circulation, diffusion, and dispersion (v) numerical modelling. As first part of this series of work, the salinity data obtained at six sites by using instantaneous profil]ing technique were analyzed in detail. it is found that the amplitude of salinity variation increases toward the upstream direction and its magnitude is greater at neap tide than spring tide. And also duration of salinity boundary layer is much longer during the neap tide than the spring tide, As a result of this study, the Keum River estuary is classified as a typical standing wave type estuary. Finally, we present a schematic diagram for the duration of the salinity boundary layer, which will be useful for further study on flocculation phenomena and sedimentation dynamics.

錦江河口의 6個定點에서 大.小潮기에 Instantaneous profiling技法으로 同時 觀測한 鹽分値를 분석하여 鹽分境界層의 變化特性을 밝혔다. 錦江河口를 鹽分境界層의 變化特性으로 分流해 본 缺課 定常波型河口(standing wave type estuary)임이 再次確認(Chung, 1981)되었으며 變化의 크기는 上流로 갈수록 커짐도 아울러 밝혀 졌다. 또한 鹽分境界層의 變化는 大潮期 보다 小潮期에 큼도 밝혀 졌다. 鹽分境界層(S<10%)의 持續時間은 小潮期에 越等히 긴데, Shinri-Saugke斷面 보다 上流域에서는 6時間以上 持續되고 Sochgot-Kupo斷面 사이에서는 0-3時間童 顔 持續됨이 밝혀 졌다. 따라서 錦江河口에서의 堆積作用은 持續時間의 分布特性에 따른 區域別의 Flocculation作用의 强弱에 의해 支配되고 있음도 아울러 밝혀 졌다.
