濟州道周圍 및 南海沿岸 堆積物中의 重金屬含量


  • 발행 : 1983.06.01


濟州道周圍 大陸棚地域과 韓半島 南海沿岸에서 總 39個의 海底堆積物中의 重金屬含量이 測定되었다. 濟州道周圍의 平均含量은 Zn 59.1ppm, Mn 362.6ppm, Cr 63.8ppmiouPb 15-7ppm, Co 10.0ppm, Ni 28.9ppm, Cu 10.5ppm, Fe 2.7%로 나타났다. 南海沿岸에서는 Zn 79.5ppm, Mn 384ppm, Pb 8.6ppm, Ni 17.8ppm, Cu 23.2ppm, Fe 1.59%로 나타났다. 濟州道周圍에서는 細粒質堆積物이 分布하는 北西部가 기타 地域에 比해 높다. 反面 南海沿岸에서는 地域的 傾向成이 나타나지 않지만 馬山灣과 鎭海灣은 周圍隣近陸上의 産業活動에 의한 影響으로 他地域에 比해 높게 나타난다. 그러나 馬山灣과 鎭海內灣에서 Zn과 cu의 高含量을 除外 하고는 全體的으로 世界沿岸堆積物의 平均치에 미치지 못하는 낮은 含量이다. 각 表示成分間의 相關性은 濟州道周圍에서 Zn-Cu, Ni-Cu, Fe-cu, Cr-Cu, Co-Zn, Ni-Zn, Cr-Zn, Ni-Co, Fe-Co, Cr-Co, Fe-Ni, Cr-Ni, Cr-Fe간에 密集한 正의 相關性이 나타나며, Pb, Mn을 除外한 全元元素成分이 粒度와 良好한 正의 相關性을 나타내 粒子가 細立일수록 元素의 吸着率이 크다. 南海沿岸에서는 Cu-Zn, Cu-ni 및 Ni-Mn를 除外하고는 相關關係가 不良하다. 이는 堆積環境이 地域別로 다르고 또한 陸上의 人爲的 活動에 따른 流入含量의 差異에서 온 것으로 생각된다.

This stidy was intended to investigate the heavy metal contents in the bottom sediments of the continental shelt around the Jeju Island and ot the southern coastal area of the Korean Peninsula. For this study 39 bottom sedinent samples were taken from the study area using Phleger gramity corer and Snapper. The average contents of heavy metals were 59.1 ppm Zn, 362.6 ppm Mn, 63.8 ppm Cr, 15.7 ppm Pb, 10.0 ppm Co, 28.9 ppm Ni, 10.5 ppm Cu, and 2.7% Fe in the surficial sediments around the Jejr Island; and 79.ppm Zn, 384 ppm Mn, 8.6 ppm Pb, 17.8 ppm Ni, 23.2 ppm Cu, and 1.59 % fe in those of nearsgore of the southern coastal area respectively. The heavy metal contents were higher in the northwestern part around the Jeju Island compared to those in other region. However, these tendencies were not the result of pollution, but of the differences of grain size of the sedimenrs. In the nearshore of the southern coast, the heavy metal contents did not show any geographical tendency. However, those of Masan and Jinhae Bays wew higher than those of the other region. These seemed to be caused by waste disposal from the industrial compsex located at the adjacent land. Nevertheless these values of heavy metal content except for Zn and Cu in Masan Bay and inner bay of Jinhae are lower than the average values of the each world-wide data of the nearshore sedimentl. The pair correlations of the cach heavy metal elements were calculated by regressino analysis using VAX 780 computer. the following pair elements, such as Zn-Cu, Ni-Cu, Fe-cu, Cr-Cu, Co-Zn, Ni-Zn, Cr-Zn, Ni-Co, Fe-Co, Cr-Co, Fe-Ni, Cr-Ni and Cr-Fe show closely posetive linear correlations in the sediments around the Jeju Island. In general, the heavy metal content increases in proportion to the increase of the mean values of the grain size of the sediments around the Jeju Island. In the southern coastal area, in gineral, thepair correlations of each heavy metal elements did not southern coastal area, in general, the pair correlatttttions of rach heavy metal elements did not show any positive correlation except for the positive linear correlations of Cu-Zn, Cu-ni and Ni-Mn. It is interpreted as a result of the differences of the physecochemical environment of the sampling sites and also of the influences of the ondustrial wastes from the manufacturing factores located at the coastal zone of the study area.
