The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences (한국통신학회논문지)
- Volume 8 Issue 4
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- Pages.121-138
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- 1983
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- 1226-4717(pISSN)
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- 2287-3880(eISSN)
A PROPOSAL FOR PARTIAL AMENDMENT OF THE KOREAN RADIO LAW -On the occasion of preparing for the STCW Convention-
STCW협약의 발효와 전파관리법의 개정제안
This study beings with investigations of the purpose and background of the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers of 1978 stipulated in London(STCW Convention) which will be put into effect internationally on and after the 28th April, 1984. I tried to confirm those common points on requirements of the qualification between the radio officer regulated in the STCW Convention and the radiocommunication operator's general cergifications administration is taken as a model for the comparative analysis, as Korea and Japan have meny similar aspects, especially legal and social aspects. Therefore, as one of urgent tasks of Korean Telecommunications Administraion preparing for the STCW Convention, I stressed on the partial amendment of the Radio Law. The gist of major amendment proposed is as follows : (1) to introduce a new system on the radio operator for ship stations. (2) to adapt the general cergificate of radiocommunication operator. This year, 1983, was proclaimed World Communications Year (WCY'83) by the U.N to provide the opportunity for all countries to undertake an in-depth review and analysis of their policies on communications development. In this regards, there must be a stimulation for the accelerated development of Communications Infrastructures in Korea.
STCW協約이 1984年4月28日 國際的으로 發效되므로 이에 對備하기 위하여 우리 나라 電氣通信의 主管聽은 緊急한 課題로서 그가 主管하는 電波管理法의 一部를 改正하여야 함을 提案하였다. 이 主要改正案骨子로서는 船舶局無線從事者證明制度를 創立할 것과, 電波通信技師一般級을 從來의 電波通信技師1級의 上位級資格으로 採擇하자는 것이다. 아울러, 電波通信技師1級이 不足하다는 不當한 핑계로써 船舶通信長의 資格을 下位級인 電波通信技師2級으로 輕延長하겠다는 警態依然한 行政은 是正되어야 함을 具體的數値로써도 論證하였다. 以上의 硏究는 主로 最新의 國內外文獻에 依하였으며 比較考察로서는 우리와 類似點이 많은 日本國의 行政先例를 택하였다. 이렇게 함으로써, WCY'83을 맞은 우리나라 通信政策이 人的要素 挺進으로도 發展되어 先進祖國創造에 寄與할 것을 促求하였다.