The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences (한국통신학회논문지)
- Volume 8 Issue 1
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- Pages.17-22
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- 1983
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- 1226-4717(pISSN)
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- 2287-3880(eISSN)
Electromagnetic Scattering by a Plasma Column Moving in the Perpendicular Direction to Its Axis
축과 수직방향으로 운동하는 프라즈마원주에 의한 평면전자파의 산란
Scattering of obliquely incident plane electromagnetic waves by an isotropic plasma coumn which is moving uniformly in the perpendicular direction to its axis is treated analytically on the basis of Lorentz transform and boundary conditions. The scattered field, the total scattering cross-section, the rader cross-section, and the angular distribution of the scattered power for the incident plane waves polarized arbitrarily are derived to find the function of the moving velocity of the plasma column and of the angle of the incident plane waves and to find the scattered field of the H-waves more distinguishable than the E-waves.
等方性프라즈마円柱가 軸에 수직인 방향으로 일정한 속도로 운동할 때 Lorentz 변환식, 境界條件에 의해 임의의 角度로 入射하는 平面電磁波에 대한 散亂界, 全散亂斷面績, 散亂電力角度分布, 레이다斷面績을 프라즈마円柱의 운동속도, 平面波의 入射角의 關係를 數式으로 유도하고 入射波가 H波인 경우가 E波보다 散亂界에 영향이 많이 있음을 발견하였다.