우리나라 관개용 흙댐 저수지의 외형적 제특성에 관한 연구

A Study on the Physical Characteristics of Irrigation Reservoirs in Korea

  • 발행 : 1983.12.01


This study was carried out not only to prepare available materials that can be utilized in basic planning of irrigation reservoirs, but also to contribute to the study on countermeasures for reasonable irrigation water development in Korea in the future, through the investigation for the structural characteristics of reservoirs and their change trend by an epoch. During this study 123 sites of sample reservoirs were analysed in their dimensions of physical constituent factors. The physical characteristics and their change trends revealed by this study are summarized as follows: 1. For the irrigation earth dam in Korea the correlation between dam volume (v) and dam height & length (H$^2$L) can be described as the formula of v=1. 434H2L~17, 300 (r=0. 933), from which embankment amount is assumed to be quickly estimated under determined dam height and length of the proposed reservoir. 2. The ratio of dam volume to dam height & length ranges approximately from 0.5 to 3 (1.7 in average), that of storage capacity to dam volume 2 to 10 (8.4 in average), that of irrigation area to full water surface area 5 to 20 (13 in average) and that of catchment area to irrigation area 2 to 5 (4 in average). Though correlation between dam volume and dam height & length is high, that between others is relatively low. 3. Average storage depth ranges approximately from 4m to l0m (6.6m in average), unit storage capacity 0. 4m to 0. 8m (0.54 in average) and shape factor of dam 5 to 20 (10.5 in average). 4. The more recently planned the reservoirs were, the less storage capacity, dam volume, full water surface and dam shape factor they have. 5. The more recently planned the reservoirs were, the larger storage depth and unit storage capacity they have.
