불꽃試驗용 標準試片 의 熱擴散 係數

The Thermal Diffusivity of Standard Pieces for Spark Test


The thermal diffusivity one of the series of standard pieces for spark test are determined by the flash method. The standard pieces are composed with carbon steels, structural carbon steels, alloy steels and high speed tool steels. In order to compute the thermal conductivity of the standard pieces, their specific heats are measured by a differential scanning calorimeter. The thermal conductivities are calculated from the data of specific heat, density and thermal diffusivity. To increase the accuracy of data for the thermal diffusivity by data reduction excursion method in the flash method, the governing heat diffusion equation, which is closely described experimental conditions with the finite pulse and the heat loss from the sample surfaces, is solved. In this analysis an integral transform is used.
