The Eclogy of the Pine Needle Gall Midge (Thecodiplosis japonensis Uchida et Inouye) ana Its Control Strategies

솔잎혹파리의 생태와 방제전략

  • Published : 1982.09.01


The pine needle gall midge, Therodiplosis japonensis Uchida et Inouye, is the most important insect pest. It requires two different habitats for the development; on trees and under the ground. The habitat specific mortality rates ere $30\~40\%,\;and\;50\~60\%$ for the respective habitats. The key developmental stage is the prepupa, and the key mortality factor is the moisture contents of the soil and its variability. Since the insect is an exotic, the population status is the periphery and in the source of infestation are considerably different. Such a difference in habitats and the population status of the insect should be considered in relation to suppression of the insect. The control strategies should be directional and rational based on the reality of the pest status. There have been substantial information on the control methods of the pine needle gall midge, and each control method has an important place, but none has always provided a satisfactory solution to the many problems associated by this insect. These methods should be applied to a system based on the ecology of the insect. There should be continued support for directed effort on the development of operational management systems for the insect: specifically, estmation of the critical economic injury level, and of the absolute density of the insect.
