사방시공지(砂防施工地)에 있어서 리기다소나무의 수근(樹根)의 분포(分布)에 미치는 토양견밀도(土壤堅密度)의 영향(影響)

Effects of Soil Hardness on the Root Distribution of Pinus rigida Mill. Planted in Association with Sodding Works on the Denuded Land

  • Cho, Hi Doo (College of Agriculture Chonnam National University)
  • 투고 : 1982.03.15
  • 발행 : 1982.06.30


사방시공지(砂防施工地)에 널리 조림(造林)되는 리기다소나무의 근계분포(根系分布)와 토양(土壤)의 견밀도(堅密度)의 관계(関係)를 구명(究明)하고자 표본지(標本地)를 선정(選定) 대표목(代表木)의 경사하측(傾斜下側)에 환상(環状)의 토양단면(土壤斷面)을 만들어 각토층별(各土層別)로 토양경도(土壤硬度)를 산중식(山中式) Soil hardness tester로 측정(測定)하고 수근(樹根) (중세근(中細根))의 분포(分布)를 조사(調査)하여 분포(分布)한바 다음과 같이 요약(要約)할 수 있었다. 1) 토양(土壤)의 견밀도(堅密度)는 토심(土深)이 깊어짐에 따라 점차(漸次) 증가(增加)하여 평균(平均) 지표경도(指標硬度)는 I층(層)에서 14.6mm II층(層)에서 16.2mm, III층(層) 17.2mm, IV층(層)에서는 18.3mm, V층(層)에서는 19.8mm였다. 2) 수근(樹根) (중세근(中細根))은 표층(表層)에 이를수록 많이 분포(分布)하여 토층(土層)이 깊어짐에 따라 그 수(數)가 감소(減少)하여 I층(層) 수근(樹根)의 수(數)를 1(31%)로 할때 II층(層)은 0.84(26%), III층(層)은 0.6(18%), IV층(層)은 0.4(12%), V층(層)도 0.4(13%)이다. 3) 토양(土壤)의 견밀도(堅密度)와 수근(樹根)의 분포(分布)는 음(陰)의 상관관계(相関関係)에 있어 견밀도(堅密度)가 높아지면 이에따라 수근(樹根) 수(數)는 감소(減少)한다. 각(各) 토층별(土層別) 토양(土壤)의 견밀도(堅密度)와 수근분포(樹根分布)의 상관계수(相関係数)는 I층(層)은 -0.3875, II층(層)은 -0.5299, III층(層)은 -0.5573, IV층(層)은 -0.6922, V층(層)은 -0.7325, 전체평균(全体平均)은 -0.9469로서 모두 유의적(有意的)이었다. 4) 리기다소나무의 수근(樹根) (중세근(中細根))의 성장(成長)에 최적합(最適合)한 토양(土壤)의 견밀도(堅密度)는 지표경도(指標硬度)는 12.0~14.9mm로서 이 계급(階級)에 속(屬)하는 지표경도(指標硬度)는 33%이고 수근(樹根)의 분포(分布)는 41.8%이다. 또 지표경도(指標硬度) 20.9mm까지는 82%이나 수근(樹根) 93.2%가 분포(分布)하고 있어 지표경도(指標硬度) 20.9mm이하(以下)까지가 리기다소나무의 수근(樹根)의 생장(生長)에 적합(適合)하다고 사료(思料)된다.

Soil harness represents such physical properties as porosity, amount of water, bulk density and soil texture. It is very important to know the mechanical properties of soil as well as the chemical in order to research the fundamental phenomena in the growth and the distribution of tree roots. The writer intended to grip soil hardness by soil layer and also to grasp the root distribution and the correlation between soil hardness and the root distribution of Pinus riguda Mill. planted on the denuded hillside with sooding works by soil layer on soil profile. The site investigated is situated at Peongchang-ri 13, Kocksung county, Chon-nam Province. The area is consisted of 3.63 ha having on elevation of 167.5-207.5 m. Soil texture is sandy loam and parant rock in granite. Average slope of the area is $17^{\circ}-30^{\circ}$. Soil moisture condition is dry. Main exposure of the area is NW or SW. The total number of plots investigated was 24 plots. It divided into two groups by direction each 12 plots in NW and SW and divided into three groups by the position of mountain plots in foot of mountain, in hillside, and in summit of mountain, respectively. Each sampling tree was selected as specimen by purposive sampling and soil profile was made at the downward distance of 50cm form the sampling tree at each plot. Soil hardness, soil layer surveying, root distribution of the tree and vegetation were measured and investigated at the each plot. The soil hardness measured by the Yamanaka Soil Hardness Tester in mm unit. the results are as follows: 1) Soil hardness increases gradually in conformity with the increment of soil depth. The average soil indicator hardness by soil layer are as follows: 14.6mm in I - soil layer (0-10cm in depth from soil surface), 16.2mm in II - soil layer (10-20cm), 17.2 in III - soil layer (20-30cm), 18.3mm in IV - soil layer(30-40cm), 19.8mm in V - soil layer (4.50mm). 2) The tree roots (less than 20mm in diameter) distribute more in the surface layer than in the subsoil layer and decrease gradually according to the increment of soil depth. The ratio of the root distribution can be illustrated by comparing with each of five soil layers from surface to subsoil layer as follows: I - soil layer; 31%, II - soil layer; 26%, III - soil layer; 18%, IV - soil layer; 12%, V - soil layer; 13%, 3) Soil hardness and tree root distribution (less than 20mm in diameter) of Pinus rigida Mill. correlate negatively each other; the more soil hardness increases, the most root distribution decreases. The correlation coefficients between soil hardness and distribution of tree roots by soil layer are as follows: I - soil layer; -0.3675 (at the 10% significance level), II - soil layer; -0.5299 (at the 1% significance level), III - soil layer; -0.5573 (at the 2% significance level), IV - soil layer; -0.6922 (at the 5% significance level), V - soil layer; -0.7325 (at the 2% significance level). 4) the most suitable range of soil hardness for the growth of Pinus rigida Mill is the range of 12-14.9mm in soil indicator hardness. In this range of soil indicator hardness, the root distribution of this tree amounts to 41.8% in spite of 33% in soil harness and under the 20.9mm of soil indicator hardness, the distribution amounts to 93.2% in spite of 82% in soil hardness. Judging from above facts, the roots of Pinus rigida can easily grow within the soil condition of 20.9mm in soil indicator hardness. 5) The soil layers are classified by their depths from the surface soil.
