남매에서 발생한 Kartagener씨 증후군 - 2례 보고 -

Kartagener's Syndrome: A Report of 2 Cases (Review of the literature and report of two cases in same family)

  • 발행 : 1982.03.01


Kartagener`s syndrome is a clinical entity composed of situs inversus, bronchiectasis and chronic sinusitis. This syndrome is rare and is usually detected in childhood. Whether the bronchiectasis in Kartagener`s syndrome is congenital or acquired is still controversial. Some familial cases of this syndrome have been reported, and in these cases the genetic pattern is compatible with an autosomal recessive inheritance with some degree of pleotropism. The authors experienced having 2 cases of Kartagener`s syndrome among 6 siblings in a family. The case No. 1 have had bilateral Caldwell Luc operation, posterior ethmoidectomy, left upper Iobec-tomy with excellent result. The case No. 2 denied to have surgical management.
