고대 이집트 복식에 표현된 미의식의 고찰

A Study on the Aesthetic Conciousness through the Costumes of Ancient Egypt

  • 발행 : 1982.03.01


The creation of clothing is a form of aesthetic expression through which feelings and ideas are conveyed. This study tried to find out the mental world and aesthetic consciousness of Ancient Egypt through the costume of the period. The beauty of human body was esteemed and expressed in body exposure, tight costumes and transparent fabrics. Through the silhouette of costume, wig and accessories, the beauty of simplicity was expressed. And the beauty of harmony was sought through the beauty of balance and emphasis. The aesthetic consciousness of Ancient Egypt is the refined elegance and it was composed on the basis of the ideas of nature worship and had been preserved by the spirit of traditionism for about 3, 000 years.
