한국여승(韓國女僧)의 영양섭취(營養攝取)와 혈청(血淸) Lipoprotein, Cholesterol 및 단백량(蛋白量)의 관계(關係)

Daily Nutritional Intake and Serum Levels of Lipoprotein, Cholesterol and Protein -A Study of Buddhist Nuns-

  • Kim, Nan-Hee (Department of Physiology, School of Medicine, Kyungpook University) ;
  • Yoon, Jin-Sook (Department of Physiology, College of Science & Engineering, Keimyung University) ;
  • Choo, Young-Eun (Department of Physiology, School of Medicine, Kyungpook University) ;
  • Lee, Won-Jung (Department of Physiology, School of Medicine, Kyungpook University)
  • 발행 : 1982.12.31


장기적(長期的)인 채식섭취(菜食攝取)가 혈청(血淸)의 lipoprotein, cholesterol 및 단백량(蛋白量)에 미치는 영향(影響)을 알아보기 위하여 결은 여승(女僧) 45명(名)($20{\sim}35$세)과 대조군(對照群)으로 여대생(女大生) 29명(名)($20{\sim}22$세)을 연구대상(硏究對象)으로 하였다. 하루 열량섭취(熱量攝取)는 여승(女憎)들이 1,945 kcal 였고 여대생(女大生)은 1,815 kcal 였다. 열량구성비율(熱量構成比率)은 여승(女僧)들이 탄수화물(炭水化物) : 단백질(蛋白質) : 지방(地方)=84 : 11 : 5였고 학생(學生)은 70 : 15 : 15였으며 이는 여승(女僧)들의 탄수화물(炭水化物) 편중(偏重) 및 지방섭취부족(脂肪攝取不足)을 보여준다. 신체계측결과(身體計測結果) 여승(女僧)들은 여대생(女大生)보다 신장(身長)을 제외(除朴)하고, 체중(體重), 지방층(脂肪層)두께, 체표면적(體表面積) 및 비만도계수(肥滿度係數)가 모두 높았다. 수축기(收縮期) 및 이완기혈압(弛緩期血壓)은 여승(女憎)과 여대생(女大生)이 거의 같았다. 혈청(血淸)의 총지방(總脂肪), cholesterol 및 단백량(蛋白量)은 여승(女憎)과 여대생간(女大生間)에 유의(有意)한 차이(差異)가 없었다. 그러나 전기영동(電氣泳動)으로 분획(分劃)하여 혈청(血淸)의 high density lipoprotein(HDL), very low density lipoprotein(VLDL) 및 low density lipoprotein(LDL)량(量)을 비교(比較)해 본 결과(結果), 여승(女憎)들의 HDL은 여대생(女大生)보다 낮았으나 LDL은 유의(有意)하게 높았다. Cholesterol분획결과(分劃結果)도 역시 여승(女憎)들의 HDL-cholesterol값은 여대생(女大生)보다 유의(有意) 하게 낮은 반면(反面) LDL-cholesterol은 유의(有意)하게 높았다. Lipoprotein과 cholesterol간(間)의 상관계수(相關係數)(r)를 계산(計算)한 결과(結果) LDL과 LDL-cholesterol(r=0.40), VLDL과 VLDL-cholesterol(r=0.85), HDL과 HDL-cholesterol(r=0.45), 혈청총지방량(血淸總脂防量)과 cholesterol(r=0.66) 및 혈청(血淸) 총(總) cholesterol과 LDL-cholesterol(r=0.79) 간(間)에는 유의(有意)한 상관관계(相關關係)를 보여주었다. 그러나 혈청(血淸) cholesterol과 음식섭취(飮食攝取) 및 신체계측결과간(身體計測結果間)에는 유의(有意)한 상관관계(相關關係)가 나타나지 않았다. 혈청단백량(血淸蛋白量)은 여승(女憎)과 여대생간(女大生間)에 차이(差異)가 없었다. 이상(以上)의 결과(結果)는 여승(女憎)들의 장기적(長期的)인 채식섭취(菜食攝取)로 인(因)해 인체(人體)의 lipoprotein 및 cholesterol 대사(代謝)에 영향(影響)이 있음을 시사(示唆)해 주고 있다.

To determine the influence of vegetarian diet on serum lipoprotein, cholesterol and protein levels, 45 young Buddhist nuns (age: $20{\sim}34$ years) and 29 female students(age: $20{\sim}22$ years) were examined. Daily caloric intakes were 1,945 Kcal for the Buddhist nuns and 1,815 Kcal for the students. The ratio of% calorie of carbohydrate: protein: fat from total calories in the Buddhist nuns was 84:11:5 and that in the students was 70:15:15. The Buddhist nuns had significantly higher carbohydrate intake but markedly lower lipid intakes than the students. Anthropometric measurement showed that the Buddhist nuns had significantly higher values of body weight, skin-fold thickness, body surface area and obesity index than the students. Both systolic and diastolic pressures of the Buddhist nuns and students were similar. Serum levels of total lipid, cholesterol and proteins in the Buddhist nuns were not different from those of the students. However, when comparing the levels of high density lipoprotein (HDL), very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) and low density lipoprotein (LDL) fractions, the Buddhist nuns had lower level of HDL but significantly higher LDL levels than the students. Furthermore, the Buddhist nuns had significantly lower levels of serum HDL-cholesterol but significantly higher LDL-cholesterol levels. There were significant correlations between LDL and LDL cholesterol (r=0.40), VLDL and VLDL-cholesterol(r=0.85), HDL and HDL-cholesterol(r=0.45), total serum lipid and total cholesterol (r=0.66) and total serum cholesterol and LDL(r=0.79). On the other hand, values of both serum total protein, and fractions of serum proteins were similar in the Buddhist nuns and students(ratio of albumin: ${\alpha}_{1}-:\;{\alpha}_{2}-:\;{\beta}-:\;{\gamma}-$globulins=55:3:10:13:19). Hematocrit and hemogloblin levels were similar in the Buddhist nuns and students. Above results suggest that vegetarian diets of the Buddhist nuns produced alterations in the metabolism of the lipoproteins and cholesterol.
