멸구류에 대한 수도품종 저항성 검정방법을 개발하고저 방사성 동위원소 $^{32}P$를 이용하여 본 시험을 수행하였다. 전편에서 얻어진 결과를 활용하여 멸구별, 멸구충태별, 접종시간별 벼멸구 흡즙량 차이와 품종별 벼멸구 흡즙량을 조사한 바 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 가. 벼멸구, 흰등멸구, 애멸구 순으로 $^{32}P$ 흡즙량이 많았으며 암컷이 숫컷보다 공시멸구류 모두 흡즙량이 많았다. 나. 벼멸구의 각태별 흡즙량은 성충, 5령충, 성충), 4령 순으로 많았으며 충접종시간은 접종 24시간$\~$48시간에서는 일정한 흡즙령을 나타냈다. 다. 벼멸구의 벼품종별 흡즙량은 저항성 품종인 밀양 47호에서는 839 CPM인 반면 감수성 품종인 TN 1에서는 88,603 CPM을 나타 내었다. 따라서 본시험에서의 검정방법과 유묘집단검정방법과는 일치하였다.
New screening method of varietal resistance by isotope $^{32}P$ was examined in these experiments. Insects were fed for 24 hrs. in the vials, with rice seedlings absorbed the solution if $0.6\~7{\mu}\;Ci\;^{32}P$ for 24 to 48 hrs. Feeding amounts of 3 species of plant-hoppers at the different stages and duration of infestation were investigated for effective process of screening method of the varietal resistance using isotope $^{32}P$. Feeding amount of $^{32}P$ of brown plant-hopper was observed for the different varieties. The results may be summarized as follows: 1. Brown planthopper fed greatest and the feeding amount were increased in order of white-backed planthopper and small brown planthopper. Female hoppers fed more than male. 2. Feeding amount was increased in order of adult, 5th instar, adult, 4th instar, 3rd instar 2nd instar and 1st instar. The duration of $24\~48\;hours$ is considered sufficient for insect infestation. 3. New screening method by $^{32}P$ was compared with seedling bulk screening method in view of feeding amount and plant reaction. Feeding amount of $^{32}P$ by brown planthopper in Milyang 47, resistant variety to this insect, was very low, while in TN 1, susceptible variety, it was very high about one hundred tines of Milyang 47.