The Abundance and Damaging Period of the 'Dark grey cutworm' (Agrotis tokionis B.)

숯검은밤나방유충의 발생과 가해기에 관한 연구

  • Kim S.S. (Korea Ginseng and Tobacco Research Institute) ;
  • Boo K.S. (Korea Ginseng and Tobacco Research Institute) ;
  • Oh M.H. (Korea Ginseng and Tobacco Research Institute) ;
  • Sohn J.S. (Korea Ginseng and Tobacco Research Institute)
  • 김상석 (한국인삼연초연구소 병충해연구실) ;
  • 부경생 (한국인삼연초연구소 병충해연구실) ;
  • 오명희 (한국인삼연초연구소 병충해연구실) ;
  • 손준수 (한국인삼연초연구소 병충해연구실)
  • Published : 1981.09.01


This work was carried out to study field biology of Agrotis tekienis B. in Korea for two years (1979 and 1980), The species was found to be the dominant species among cutworms giving damage to young Plants in Spring with making up approximately $80\%$ or more of cutworms collected at Suweon and Jeonju from March to early June. During April and May which is the most critical period as far as plant damage by cutworms is concerned, those of A. tokionis larvae collected were at 5th and 6th instar. A. tokionis larvae enter a summer diapause from late May to early July and Agrotis ipsilon became the dominant species. It is also suggested that A. tokionis larvae be called as the 'dark grey cutworm', based upon its larval body color.

한국의 거세미류중에서 숯검은밤나방이 과연 우점종인가를 밝히고 그 가해기간 및 가해기의 유충령기를 조사하였다. $1979\~1980$년의 조사결과 숯검은밤나방유충이 봄철에 채집된 거세미류중 약 $80\%$ 이상을 차지하며 밭작물의 피해초기에는 대부분이 $5\~6$령충으로 가해기간은 약 $1\~l.5$개월이 됨을 알 수 있었다. 이 해충의 영명을 'dark grey cutworm'으로 명명하였다.
