Three New Species of Leafhoppers (Cicadellidae; Homoptera) from Korea

매미충류 신종 3종에 관하여

  • Choe Kwang-Ryul (Division of Entomology, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Office of Rural Development)
  • 최광열 (농촌진흥청 농업기술연구소 곤충연구담당관실)
  • Published : 1981.09.01


The paper contains descriptions of three new species from Korea: Planaphrodes bella spn.1 Xestocephalus cognatus sp. n. and Watanabella graminea sp. n. Figures of external characters and male genitalia are given for all species.

1974연에 국내에서 채집한 매미충을 분류동정하여 신종 Planaphrodes bella sp. n.(섬흑곰매미충 : 신칭) Xestocephalus cognatus sp. n. (설악별매미충 : 신칭) Watanabella graminea sp. n.(풀꼬리매미충 : 신칭)의 3종을 기재보고한다.
