한국응용곤충학회지 (Korean journal of applied entomology)
- 제20권3호
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- Pages.135-145
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- 1981
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- 1225-0171(pISSN)
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- 2287-545X(eISSN)
고냉지단경기채소(무우. 배추) 및 평야지 추작채소단지에 발생하는 주요병해조사 I. 전북고냉지단경기 무우, 배추 주요병해
Disease Incidences in Radish and Chinese Cabbage. I. Major Diseases in Radish and Chinese Cabbage grown in Alpine Areas in Jeonbug Province
전북고냉지 단경기채소단지인 무주, 남원, 진안, 장수지역의 무우, 배추 재배포장에 대한 병해발생, 기상관계, 매개진딧물 밀도등을 조사하였다. 7월부터 9월까지 순별로 조사한 결과는 다음과 같다. 발병상황은 지역적 특이성이 없고 비슷하였다. 배추의 주요병해는 흰빛썩음병, 흰무늬병, 노균병, virus병 검은무늬병 Fusarium에 의한 입고현상등이고, 무우에서는 바이러스명병, 흰녹가루병, 검은빛썩음병, 흰빛썩음병 검은 무늬병, Fusarium에 의한 입고현상등의 피해가 나타나고 있다. 발병상황을 시기적으로 보면 8월 20일경이 최고발병기이였다. 무는 총감염율이
Vegetables including Chinese cabbage and radish have been grown in alpine areas such as Muju, Namweon, Jinan and Jangsu during the shortage period of vegetables. The incidence of various diseases, environmental factors such as temperatures and rainfalls, and aphid populations as virus vector were observed at 10-day intervals from July to September in those areas. Disease incidence showed no significant difference among locations. Major diseases in Chin ese cabbage were bacterial soft rot, white spot, downy mildew, mosaic virus, Alternaria leaf spot and Fusarium seedling blight. Major diseases in radish were virus, white rust, black rot, root rot, leaf spot and Fusarium seedling blight. Disease incidence reached peak on Aug. 20 with