Evaluation of Native Soybean Collection for Resistance to Purple Blotch

수집재래종대두의 자주빛무늬병(Cercospora kikuchii)에 대한 저항성검정

  • Oh Jeung Haing (Radiation Agriculture Div., Korea Advanced Energy Research Institute) ;
  • Kwon Shin Han (Radiation Agriculture Div., Korea Advanced Energy Research Institute)
  • Published : 1981.09.01


Native soybean collections were evaluated to search a resistant gene source to purple blotch caused by Cercospora kikuchii. Among 467 native lines, about $28.9\%$ of the lines was less than $0.1\%$ and $13.4\%$ was over $2\%$ in natural infection of purple blotch. Natural infection seemed to be significantly associated with weather conditions at the early podding stage. A significant correlation between natural infection and purple discoloration by seed inoculation was observed and this method seemed to be effective as a preliminary screening technique for resistance to purple blotch. Most of the late maturing native soybeans showed susceptible reaction by the seed inoculation contrary to low infection under natural conditions, indicating that the low natural infection might be due to disease escaping by the late maturing instead of their genetic resistance.

대두 자주빛무늬병에 대한 저항성인자원 선발을 위하여 한국에너지연구소, 방사선농학연색실이서 보존하고 있는 수집재내종을 자연감염율과 인공접종법에 의한 저항성검정을 실시하였다. 공시한 수집재래종 467 계통중 $28.9\%$$0.1\%$이하의 감염율을, 약 $13.4\% $$2\%$ 이상의 감염율을 보였으며 이 자연감염율은 결협초기의 기상조건과 밀접한 상관을 보였다. 종자접종에 의한 자반의 형성은 자연감염율과 정의 상관을 보여 일차적인 저항성 검정방법으로서 효과적이었으며 만숙대두계통은 병해도피에 의한 저항성을 보였다. 그리고 갈색무늬병균의 병원성과 관계되는 종자의 자반정도는 배양기의 착색정도와 높은 상관을 보였다.
