유성(儒城) 서북부(西北部) 우산봉(雨傘峰) 일대(一帶)에 분포(分布)하는 화강암(花崗巖) 복합체(複合體)의 암석학적(岩石學的) 연구(硏究)

Petrology of Granitic Complex Distributed in the Woosanbong area, northwestern part of Yuseong


Granitic complex in the Woosanbong area is composed of schistose granite, two-mica granite, biotite granite, porphyritic granite and pink feldspar granite in order of intrusion. In their boundary aspects, the gradational change between porphyritic granite and pink feldspar granite is observed in field relations. All the granites of the complex are classified to quartz monzonite by the modal compositions following Bateman's classification (1961) with the exception of pink feldspar granite which belongs to granite according to the petrographical classification. The first three granites are characterized by highly development of vein and/or lens-like pegmatites in their bodies, and two others contain green hornblende uniquely. These leucocratic two-mica granite shows an unusual character in ratio of muscovite to biotite 1: 0.7 to 1:13, and contains dominantly microcline. The content of muscovite varies in places in the field. Under the polarizing microscope it is revealed that the muscovite flakes occur as the products altered from biotite partly or completely, and it usually associates with chlorite flakes nearby. These features, therefore, suggests that biotite probably has been altered to muscovite and chlorite by hydration during deuteric processes. At the same stage, sericitization of plagioclase by the hydrolytic decomposition, and transformation of orthoclase to microcline may be taken place. Accordingly, it is obviously permissible to consider the two-mica granite as a kind of 'apo-granite' by deuteric alterations during the consolidation of magma.
