북방계복식(北方系服飾)에의 관심(關心)과 복식사교육(服飾史敎育) - 체미(滯美) 1년(年)의 보고(報告)를 겸(兼)하여 -

History of Costume" in Education

  • 이경자 (이화여자대학교 장식미술과)
  • 발행 : 1981.11.30


This is a report of author's stay in the U.S. as an exchange scholar. During her stay from Dec. 1979 to Dec. 1980, she participated in costume studies at Pratt Institute, New York City and looked into materials of North Asian historical costumes. The author notes that the curriculum of costume studies in the U.S. place weight upon costume history, e.g., the master's program in costume studies of New York University requires 18 points in history courses out of 54 points required for the degree. The author also notes the leading role of the Costume Institute, the Metropolitan Museum of Arts in performing research works for the studies. As to the study of North Asian costumes, the author's work in the U.S. has been somewhat disappointing. She points out difficulties for a Korean researcher to access to basic materials which are scarce outside of China and Russia. She asserts, however, the comprehension of the history of North Asian costumes as a whole is essential to understand the characteristics of ancient Korean costumes. The author insists the costume history courses in Korean colleges are not appropriate as a apart of costume studies. Noting the costume education in the U.S. clearly aims at the training of costume professions, the author proposes the objective of costume education in Korea be redefined, and the teaching of "History of Korean Costumes" be reconstituted as to be suitable for it.
