단백질의 제한과 회복으로 인한 골격 근육내의 성분변화

The Change of Electrolytes Composition in Skeletal Muscles by Protein Restriction and Rehabilitation

  • Kim, Jee-Hyun (Dept. of Food & Nutrition, Ewha Womans University) ;
  • Kim, Sook-He (Dept. of Food & Nutrition, Ewha Womans University)
  • 발행 : 1981.12.30


The objective of this study was to compare the electrolytes contents in skeletal muscles of two different groups of rats, one for control fed 20% casein diet, and the other experimental group recovered from 7% casein diet as protein restriction feeding for two weeks at the beginning of this experiment. Two different comparison criteria were used in this study, one for comparison between animals at the same age groups and the other between groups weighing same body weight as the control groups. Food consumption of animals for experimental and control groups were ad libitum. Following measurement and samples were collected: body weight, five different muscles-anterior tibialis (A.T.) extensor digitorium longus (E.D.L.) soleus, plantaris, gastrocnemius-for electrolytes and protein analysis. The experimental groups showed lower body weight than that of control group. Same trend was showen in protein content in five different muscles. Magnesium and potassium content in four muscles except gastrocnemius showed lower and sodium higher in experimental groups than those in control group at fourteenth day, after recovery from protein restriction, electrolytes content change showed differently in four muscles. Magnesium and potassium contents were increased as protein content in diet. Sodium content decreased as one week intake of recovery diet started, thereafter it was rather slowly increased. Phosphorus content in gastrocnemius at the second week in experimental group was slightly lower than that of control group, and it recovered rapider while at the same body weight group it was higher in experimental group.
