Fault Tree Analysis에 의한 Press 안전사고의 체계적 분석

A Systems Approach to Press Injuries Using Fault Tree Analysis

  • 발행 : 1980.12.31


The purpose of this study is to attempt a systems approach to press injuries using Fault Tree Analysis. Three major techniques were used: Industrial Accident Dynamics (IAD) by which accident analysis can be made, Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) by which quantification of accident analysis can be made, Computerized Algorithm by which minimal cut set to accident can be identified. A survey has been made of ninety two cases of press injuries from seven industrial firms. All cases of the accident are analyzed using the three techniques. According to the analysis, lack of safety knowledge and improper scaffold seem to be the primal cause of accident. Comparisons of the accident causes to actual accident reports (National Institute of Labor Science) demonstrates that the FTA is a powerful tool for industrial accident prevention. On the basis of this result, some countermeasures are discussed.
