콩씨스트선충이 콩생육 및 수량에 미치는 영향

Influence of soybean cyst nematode on growth and yield of soybean

  • 한상찬 (농업기술연구소 곤충과) ;
  • 조현제 (농업기술연구소 곤충과)
  • Han S. C. (Dept. of Entomology, Inst. Agr. Sci. Office of Rural development) ;
  • Cho H. J. (Dept. of Entomology, Inst. Agr. Sci. Office of Rural development)
  • 발행 : 1980.03.01


선충 밀도에 따른 피해정도와 피해허용 한계수준을 알기 위하여 Pot시험을 실시한 결과 접종 2개월후부터 밀도별로 생육차가 나타났으며 씨스트 16마리 이상 접종구는 무접종에 비하여 생육과 근류발육이 현저하게 떨어졌다. 또한 접종선충수가 적을수록 증식이 잘되어 수확시의 씨스트수는 처리구간에 별차이가 없었다. 피해 허용한계 밀도는 파종시 토양 500g당 씨스트 20개내외였다.

In pot experiment, relations between soybean cyst nematode, Heterodera glycines, and growth and yield of soybean were followed. Soybean growth and nodule development in plots which inoculated more than 16 cysts were reduced greatly from two month after inoculation. Tolerance limit was about 20 cysts per 500g of soil at seeding period. There was $60\%$ loss of grain yield 낀hen nematode population was 1 cyst/g of soil at seeding period. Reproduction of soybean cyst :nematode was good when initial population had been low. So, the final population was no difference depend on inoculation density.
