Studies on the Life History of Three Spotted Plusia (Chrysoideixis agnata S.) in the laboratory

콩은무늬밤나방의 생활사에 관한 연구

  • Hwang C.Y. (Institute of Agricultural Sciences, ORD) ;
  • Uhm K.B. (Institute of Agricultural Sciences, ORD) ;
  • Choi K.M. (Institute of Agricultural Sciences, ORD) ;
  • Hyun J.S. (College of Agriculture, Seoul National University)
  • Published : 1980.06.01


This experiment was carried out to investigate the life history of the Three spotted plusia (Chrysodeixis agnata Staudinger) in the laboratory in 1976. (1) Female deposited $1202{\pm}150.6$ eggs during the oviposition period which was $13.3{\pm}1.2$ days. (2) Especially, larvae were distinguished with 5-instar type and 6-instar type. The egg period was 2 days and adult longevity was $21.29{\pm}3.15$ days for female and $19.14{\pm}2.47$ days for male. Larval period and pupal period were $15.36{\pm}1.59,\;7.82{\pm}1.01$ days for the 5-instar type and $16.92{\pm}1.08,\;8.23{\pm}1.09$ days for the 6-instar type. (3) Width of head capsule of the 5-instar type was $2.77\~2189mm$ and this of the 6-instar type was $2.78\~22.38mm$. (4) A highly significant correlation was recognized between the log-width of head capsule and the number of instar.

1976년 본해충을 실내사육하면서 얻어진 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 한 마리당 산란수는 $1202.0{\pm}150.6$개 산란전기간 $9.0{\pm}0.8$일 산란기간 $13.3{\pm}1.2$일 산란후기간은 $1.7{\pm}0.2$일이었고 산란시기는 일몰후였다. 2. 유충은 5령형과 6령형으로 구분할 수 있었고 5령형의 유충기간은 $15.36{\pm}1.59$일 용기간 $7.82{\pm}1.01$일 6령형의 유충기간은 $16.92{\pm}1.08$일 용기간 $8.23{\pm}1.09$일 이였으며 난기간은 2일 자성충 수명은 $21.29{\pm}3.15$일 웅성충은 $19.14{\pm}2.47$일이였다. 3. 령기별 두건은 5령형 $2.77\~21.89mm$ 5령형이 $2.78\~22.38mm$였다. 4. 두건을 logarithum으로 변형했을 때 령기에 따른 두건의 증가는 5령형이 $log \;y=0.228\chi+0.228(r=0.997)$, 6령형이 $log \;y=0.182\chi+0.259(r=0.999)$로 표현되어 고도의 정상관 관계였다.
