Studies on Ginger Mosaic Virus

생강모자이크바이러스병에 관한 연구

  • So In Young (College of Agriculture, Jeon Buk National University)
  • Published : 1980.06.01


A mosaic virus disease of ginger plant was investigated to determine its virus group on the basis of host range, physical and chemical properties, serological behavior and electron-microscopic morphology. The disease gave rise to yellowsih and dark-green mosaic on the leaves in the early stage and stunted all the leaves as well as rhizomes in the late stage. In the field about 43\% of the plants were observed to be diseased The disease was able to be artificially infected to the ginger plants by the sap and transmission as well as to 23 other species of plants which were known to be the CMV susceptible plants by the sap transmission; Chenopodium amaranticolar, Nicotiana tabaccum var. Havana, cow pea, cucumber, tomato,... etc. The dilution end point of the virus ranged $10^{-4}-10^{-5}$ and the thermal inactivation point $65-70^{\circ}C$. Serological test showed a positive reaction by a CMV antiserum. An electron microscopy of the purified virus showed that the virus particles were spherical with a diameter of $28-32m\mu$. Virus particles from the infected tissue were observed to be free or aggregated in the mesophyll tissue of artificially infected tobacco plant. The mosaic disease of ginger plants were conclusively suggested to the CMV group.

우리나라에 발병하고 있는 생강모자이크 바이러스병의 기생범위, 물리화학적 성질, 혈청검정 및 전자현미경적 관찰을 조사하였다. 생강의 초기병징은 황록반문을 일으키고 후기에는 위축현상 및 괴경의 소구화를 이룬다. 포장이병율은 약 $43\%$이었다. 즙액전염, 접구전염(core grafting)이 이루어지며, 동부, 오이 Chenopodium amaranticolar, N. tabaccum var. Havana를 비롯하여 23종의 CMV감수성 식물에 병증을 나타낸다. 희석한계점은 $10^{-4}\~10^{-5}$ 범위이고, 온도한계활성점는 $65\~70^{\circ}C$사이이다. 혈청반응은 CMV 항혈청과 양성으로 나타난다. 전자현미경에 의한 바이러스립자의 크기는 $28\~32m\mu$의 구형이다. 이병엽육조직의 세포질 속에는 구형바이러스입자의 밀집상과 유리되어 있는 입자도 관찰되었다. 이상을 종합하여 볼 때 생강에 모자이크병을 일으키는 바이러스는 CMV군에 속하는 바이러스로 믿어진다.
