Studies on new antibiotics in Korea IV

  • Shim Je-Seop (College of Agriculture, Chungbuk National University) ;
  • Oh You-Jin (College of Pharmocology, Chungbuk National University) ;
  • Yun Jeong-Ku (College of Agriculture, Chungbuk National University) ;
  • Han Seong-Soon (College of Agriculture, Chungbuk National University)
  • Published : 1980.09.01


The antibiotic bacterium JS7901, one of the eighty three antibiotic microorganisms which have been is elated in the surburbs of CheongJu-city, showed the most effective antimicrobial activities against test organisms, both bacteria and fungi. Among the different culture media Soytone Sugar medium was the most effective for growth and activity of the JS7901 antibiotic bacterium a against both Escherichia coli and Staphyllococcus aureus by the cylinder plate method. The higher the sugar content, was, the greater the antibiotic amount of substances of JS7901 were produced in the soytone sugar media. The antibiotic bacterium, JS7901 appeared to have a broad activity spectrum showing inhibition in Vitro against gram positive and negative bacteria and plant disease fungi. In general, the active substances were not transferred into organic solvents. Only a small portion of the activity was transferred into ethyl ether and was also adsorbed to active carbon when the cultured broth was also adsorbed to active carbon when the cultured broth was at $pH\;2.0\~4.0$. On adjusting at pH 8.0, the activity disappeared. The crude active substances could be obtained by means of vacuum drying method and still shelved strong activity. The dried active rake was solved by solvents and crystallized into various shapes. The active substances were developed on the silica gel plate in the solvent system of n-butanol-acetic acid-water(3 : 1 : 1) and gave 5 pinkish colored spots when sprayed with $0.2\%$ ninhydrine in ethanol. The upper 5th spot, which was the result of using disc plate method with Escherichia coli was the strongest of these spots.

본시험은 한국산항생물질 또는 항생균의 개발이용을 목적으로 한 기초연구로서 주로 전년도의 계속연구와 아울러 토양시료로부터 새로히 항생세균을 분리하였다. 청주부근의 토양시료 500점으로부터 83점의 항생균을 분리하였으며 이들은 주로 gram음성균인 Escherichia coli에 유효한 것을 선별하였다. 이들에 대한 연구는 앞으로 계속할 것이며 수년간 계속 연구중인 우수항생균 JS7501은 그동안 수차에 걸쳐 재선별하였기 때문에 JS901로 개칭하여 본시험에 공시하였으며 항균작용법 위도 재확인하였으며 주로 추출을 목적으로 용매추출, 흡착, TLC, 이온교환 수지 등을 총동원하였으나 TLC에 의하여 활성이 확인된 4 spot를 분리할 수 있었다. JS7901의 배양배지로서는 Soytone Sugar배지가 가장 높은 항균력을 보였으며 Soytone보다는 Sugar가 활성물질 증가와 관계가 있었다.
