한국응용곤충학회지 (Korean journal of applied entomology)
- 제19권4호
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- Pages.234-238
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- 1980
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- 1225-0171(pISSN)
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- 2287-545X(eISSN)
접종전 온도처리가 벼 도열병균의 조직병리학에 미치는 영향 III. 엽초의 균사신전도와 잎의 침입율과의 관계
Effect of of Predisposing Temperatures on The Histopathology of The Rice Blast Fungus, pyricularia oryzae ill. Relationship Between Hyphal Growth in The Sheath and Percent Penetration in The Leaf Epidermis
- KIM Chang Kyu (Plant Pathology Department, Institute of Agricultural Sciences) ;
- CRILL PAT (Plant Pathology Department, The International Rice Research Institute)
- 발행 : 1980.12.01
벼 도열병균의 엽초내균사신전도와 잎표피세포내의 침입율과는 기주가 접종전 같은 온도조건하에서 자랐을 경우 고도의 유의성이 있었으며 또한 이들 두 요인간에는 정의 상관관계가 있었다.
The relationships between the mean degree of hyphal growth in the leaf sheath and percent penetration in the leaf epidermis within the same predisposing temperature regime were highly significant. A positive relationship was found between degree of hyphal growth in the leaf sheath and Percent Penetration in the leaf epidermis.