Korean journal of applied entomology (한국응용곤충학회지)
- Volume 19 Issue 4 Serial No. 45
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- Pages.193-198
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- 1980
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- 1225-0171(pISSN)
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- 2287-545X(eISSN)
A virus disease of sesame (Sesamum idicum L.) caused by watermelon mosaic virus (WMV)
참깨의 모자이크 증상에서 분리한 수박${\cdot}$ 모자이크 바이러스에 관한 연구
Chang M.U.
(Dept. of Biology, Yeungnam University) ;
- Lee C.U. (Dept. of Horticulture, Yeungnam University)
- Published : 1980.12.01
This paper deals with the studies on the occurence of a new virus disease of sesame and the identification of the causal virus. The virus disease of sesame has been regarded as a widespread disease in the sesame-growing areas in the southern part of Korea. The disease was found to be caused by watermelon mosaic virus (WMV). During the years since 1978, stunting of sesame plants, with yellow mosaic, necrotic spot, and malformation, were collected from 17 different places. Virus isolates from 27 out of 32 samples were identified as WMV. Natural infection of squash, pumpkin, cucumber, and watermelon by WMV as well as sesame was proved. The virus is inactivated at temperatures of 55 to
참깨, 호박, 오이의 모자이크 증상주에서 전자현미경 및 즙액접종에 의하여 분리한 바이러스에 대하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 본 바이러스를 즙액접종 하였을 때 P. vutgaris, P. sativum, S. indicum, C. melo, C. maxima, C. pepo는 전신감염, C. amaranticolar는 국부감염 되었다. 2. 본 바이러스는 M. persicae로 쉽게 전반되었고, 종자전염은 하지 않았다. 9. 조즙액중의 물리성은 내열성이