치과방사선 (Journal of Korean Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology)
- 제10권1호
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- Pages.63-68
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- 1980
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- 1225-049X(pISSN)
치조병소에 대한 X-선학적 비교연구
(조선대학교 치과대학 치과방사선학교실)
Khim Jhai Dhuck
(Department of Dental Radiology College of Dentistry, Cho-Sun University)
- 발행 : 1980.12.01
The purpose of this article is to re-examine the roentgenographic appearance of alveolar osseous in an effort to determine the value of the orthopantomogram in the diagnosis of periodontal disease. A total of 158 osseous lesions from 13 human dry skulls were studied. 14 Ultra-speed periapical films, 2 bitewing films and Kodak panoramic film are used to obtain radiographs of all defects. The bisecting technic was used, with a target-film distance of. 8 inches and exposure factors of 70 kVp, 10MA and 0.4 sec. at anterior teeth, 0.6 see at posterior teeth in exposure time. For orthopantomogram, Panoura Eight-C was used with a exposure factors of 90kVp, 10MA. and 15sec. exposure time. All films were developed in a light. tight darkroom at 68°F for 4½ minutes. Comparison of orthopantomogram and intraoral films on the view-box was carefully studied in relation to the types of osseous defect visually evident; Proximal intraosseous defects, Interproximal craters, Interproximal hemisepta, Furcal defects on multirooted teeth, and Facial or Lingual one-walled defects. The results obtained were as follows; 1. Proximal osseous defects throughout the dental arches and furcal defects on facial and lingual surfaces of multirooted teeth can be identified with a high degree of accuracy from their orthopantomographic appearances. 2. Lesions on facial or lingual surface of the alveolar arches are rather difficult to locate or recognize on the dental radiographs. 3. In determining whether the proximal and furcal lesions are located facially or lingually, Orthopantomogram is superior to the conventional film Orthopantomogram obtained with standardization of head in proper position revealed the complete visualization of alveolar bone without showing occlusal surface of molars and proximal superimposition of teeth. Thus, on the standardized orthopantomograms, The roentgenographic characteristics of each defect were determined.