노년기의 의식구조에 관한 연구

Ego Structure in Life Process of the Aged in Korea

  • 유숙자 (카톨릭대학 의학부 간호학과)
  • 발행 : 1980.12.01


Current statistics reveal remarkable prolongation of the average longevity in this country for the past decade. Welfare of the aged is no longer sole concern of the person or/and family. but has aroused social concern on the community and national level. This study was designed to assess social, economic and emotional needs of the aged. and to identify problems they are confronting. Data were gathered through questioning 273 subjects living in Seoul from July 25, to August 31. 19 80. Frequencies and percentile scores were analysed to describe the fact. and the significance of int or-variable differences was tested by Chi-square method. Results are : 1. Majority of the subjects (male : 65.38%). (female : 62.13%)“talk about past experiences”to re-collect their past days, the difference between male and female respondents was not significant. 2. Except few who earn their pocket money (4.21%). majority were doing household errands (34.52% ) and looking after their garnd children (29.26 %). Main sources of their pocket money revealed to be their children (84.02%) and their own savings (24.64% ). Except few (15%)engaged with social activities directly or indirectly. leisure hours are spent in chatting with aged neighbors (44.81%). Highest in the rank order on the joyous moments for the aged revealed to be when the members of family living apart paying a visit (male : 37.5%, female : 63.72%)difference of male and female was significant ( P<0.05). Among female respondents. significant difference between age group was revealed (p<0.05). 3. Majority prefered sin91e houses (84.30% ). as residential environment. the suburban (36.26% ) area was the filet in the rank order : difference between age group and the educational status were not significant. Majority of respondents revealed to have their own room in the house. The first preference was given to live with their children (68.86%). Memory of the past (37.36% )revealed to be the highest in the rank order among the reasons why they dislike moving the house. 4. Majority favored current welfare benefts provided for the old age. however. the ideal way to live at their old age they responded was to live on their own savings (50.54%). 5. Majority revealed to be daunted occasionally (62.27%) by not being less active (34.16%) socially and by poor physical health(29.75%). Male and female differ in the causes of loneliness significantly (P <0.001) : retirement (37.89%) in ale and helpessness (43.05%) in female revealed the highest in the rank order. Majority talk over their feelings with aged neighbors to overcome the loneliness. 6 Majority were in favor of planting and looking after pet animal in the house. however. male and female differ in the kind significantly (p <0.001), 7. Majority think about death and dying occasionally or more (84.11% ). Many of the respondents believes in the life after life (53.49%) : female revealed to be significantly higher (p <0.01). and subjects with christian belief were significantly higher than non-christians (P<0.001). Attitude towards death and dying differs significantly between male and female (P <0. 001) and between christians ans and nonchristians (p <0.001). Highest preference was given to simple funeral (69.85%). Precious heritage that they would pass on to their descendants was onoscience and ethical value(57. 51%) : christian response as the first value was christian belief (52.38%).
