Nuclear Engineering and Technology
- Volume 12 Issue 3
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- Pages.163-170
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- 1980
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- 1738-5733(pISSN)
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- 2234-358X(eISSN)
Study on a Coaxial Plasma Gun (III)
- Bak, Hae-Ill (Nuclear Engineering Department, Seoul National University) ;
- In, Sang-Ryul (Nuclear Engineering Department, Seoul National University) ;
- Chung, Kie-Hyung (Nuclear Engineering Department, Seoul National University) ;
Lee, Un-Chul
(Nuclear Engineering Department, Seoul National University)
- Published : 1980.09.01
A Mather type plasms gun is operated at below 1 torr with a energy storage system (4KJ, 16.5KV, 35nH) to study the conditions of the efficient plasma focus. When the
4KJ의 에너지 뱅크(16.5KV, 35nH)를 사용하여 Mather형의 플라즈마총을 1 torr이하의 낮은 기체압력에서 동작시키면서 플라즈마의 효율적인 집속조건을 구하였다. 중수소기체의 충전압력이 0.18torr, 저장에너지가 3.8KJ일때 방전전류의 최고치는 180KA이었고 플라즈마의 축방향 평균속도는 약