상악전돌에 관한 방사선 두부계측학적 연구


  • 장영일 (서울대학교 대학원 치의학과 교정학)
  • Chang, Young Il (Dept. of Orthodontics, Graduate School, Seoul National University)
  • 발행 : 1980.12.01


This study was undertaken to compare the craniofacial morphology of Class II, Division 1 malocclusion with that of normal occlusion in children, and to investigate the incidence of various Class II, Division 1 craniofacial skeletal patterns. The subjects consist of thirty seven boys and fifty three girls with Class II, Division 1 malocclusion, and forty six boys and eighty one girls 10-15 years with normal occlusion. Measurements were recorded, tabulated and analyzed on the lateral cephalograms by the degree of SNA, SNB and ANB. The following characteristics of the Class II, Division 1 skeletal pattern were observed. 1. The anteroposterior relationship of the maxilla to the cranium in the Class II, Division 1 was very similar to that of normal occlusion. 2, Mandible of the Class II, Division 1 malocclusion was in the posterior position in relation to the cranial anatomy when compared to normal. 3. The chin point as measured by SN Pog and NS Gn showed distal positioning in relation to normal occlusion. 4. SN to mandibular plane angle was large in Class II, Division 1 malocclusion. 5. Mandibular incisor inclination was not significantly different between Class II, Division 1 malocclusion and normal occlusion, but maxillary incisors inclined and positioned labially and consequently overjet was large in Class II, Division 1 malocclusion. 6. Class II, Division 1 malocclusion was divided into four types of craniofacial skeletal pattern. The most common Class II, Division 1 pattern was found to be type C in which SN-Mand. Pl. was above mean range of normal occlusion. The next frequent pattern was found to be type A in which maxilla and mandible were within normal range of protrusion while upper incisors were severly labially inclined.
