대한산업공학회지 (Journal of Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers)
- 제5권1호
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- Pages.19-25
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- 1979
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- 1225-0988(pISSN)
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- 2234-6457(eISSN)
관능검사(官能檢査) 검출정도(檢出精度)의 요구지표(要求指標) 설정(說定)
Determination of a Required Index for the Testing Power Precision in Sensory Inspection
- 발행 : 1979.06.30
This paper presents an analysis of the contents of job for the sensory inspection on the basis of the probability theory, and the new determination for an index(d') of the testing power precision in carrying out sensory inspections. Also presented are the evaluation method of determining the ability of inspector by presuming the confidence interval for the average record of inspector, and the computation method for the index (de') of the testing power precision required as the goal-value in accordance with quality character, process inferior ratio, and required AOQ.