한국응용곤충학회지 (Korean journal of applied entomology)
- 제18권1호
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- Pages.29-33
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- 1979
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- 1225-0171(pISSN)
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- 2287-545X(eISSN)
혈청학적방법에 의한 보리와 밀종자의 보리${\cdot}$ 줄무늬 모자이크 바이러스 감염상조사
Serological detection of barley stripe mosaic virus infection in the seeds of barley and wheat cultivars grown in Korea
- La Yong-Joon (Dept. of Agricultural Biology, College of Agriculture, Seoul National University) ;
- Park Yang-Kyo (Dept. of Agricultural Biology, College of Agriculture, Seoul National University)
- 발행 : 1979.03.01
우리나라의 보리와 밀품종에 보리
An attempt was made to find out whether barley stripe mosaic virus (BSMV) occurs in barley and wheat cultivars in Korea. Modified Hamilton's technique for serological detection of barley stripe mosaic virus was used to assay for BSMV in mature seed embryos. Of the 51 barley and wheat seed lots assayed, BSMV was detected in 34 of them. BSMV was detected in covered, naked, and matting barley as well as in wheat. The level of BSMV infection in the infected cultivars varied from