목화진딧물을 무궁화와 오이의 잎에서 개체사육하면서 생활사를 조사한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 월동란은 4월중순$\~$하순에 부화하며, 부화율은 $79\%$였다. 2. 5월하순$\~$6월상순에 유시충이 여름숙주로 이주하고 10월상순$\~$중순에 다시 겨울숙주로 이주하여 10월중순$\~$하순에 월동란을 낳았다. 3. 1년간 빠른 개체군은 22세대, 늦은 개체군은 6세대를 영위하였다. 4. 한세대의 성숙기간은 약 8일, 생식기간은 약 19일, 수명은 약 29일이었다. 5. 암컷한마리당 총산자수는 약 70마리, 최다산자수는 117마리 이었으며, 1일평균산자수는 3.7마리이고, 1일최다산자수는 17마리 이었다.
The cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii Glover, is known as the most important vectant vector of citrus tristeza virus, cucumber mosaic virus, potato virus Y and potato leafroll virus. This study conducted to investigate the life history of cotton aphid at Suweon, Korea$(Lat.37^{\circ}16'N,\;Long\;126^{\circ}59'E)$. The aphids were reared in small cages placed over twig of hibiscus and on the leaves of cucumber. The results obtained were summarized as follows: 1. Overwintering eggs hatched from mid to late April, with a hatching rate averaging seventy-nine percent. 2. The early-born progeny have 22 generations and the late-born progeny have 6 generations on hibiscus and cucumber from April to October. 3. The fundatrigeniae leave tile the primary host in late May to early June and migrate to the secondary hosts. 4. From early to mid Oct., the gynoparae migrate from the secondary hosts to the primary host. 5. The average length of life was about 29 days and they produced an average of 70 nymphs each. 6. The maximum number of aphids produced per female was 117 in the spring. 7. The developmental period ranged from 6 to 16 days (average 8 days), the reproductive period from 12.2 to 24.6 days (average 19 days). 8. The average number of nymphs produced by a female per dys was about 3.7, with a maximum number of 17.