비유기수은 종자소독제개발에 관한 연구

Studies on the development of seed disinfectant in non-mercurious compounds

  • 발행 : 1979.06.01


비유기수은 종자소독제의 개발을 목적으로 배도열병균, 벼깨씨무늬병균 및 벼키다리병균에 감염된 증자 4개품종을 공시하고 Blotter 법, 물한천평판법 및 유묘 검정법 등을 통해서 12종의 약제에 대한 약효를 검정하는 동시에 검정방법별 차이를 검토하고 약해발현 여부등을 조사하였으며, 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 벼${\cdot}$도열병, 벼${\cdot}$깨씨무늬병 및 벼${\cdot}$키다리병에 대하여 종합적으로 약효가 좋았던 것은 Sisthane, $P_{242}$ 및 Sodium Omadine이었다. Benlate T 및 Homai는 깨씨무늬병에 대한 약효가 낮았으며, Busan 30 및 Panoctine은 유묘검정에서 키다리병에 대한 약효가 낮았다. 약효검정방법으로서는 도열병에 대해서는 Blotter법이, 깨씨무늬병과 키다리병에 대해서는 물한천평판법이 좋았다. 발아율 및 초기생육에 미치는 약제의 최아전종자소독 결과, 약해의 유발은 없었다.

Tests were made to find new non-mercurious seed disinfectants that were best for rice seeds. For these experiments four seed samples carr)?ing natural infection of Pyricularia oryzae, Helminthosporium oryzae, and Fusarium moniliforme were used and the following fungicides were used; Zinc Omadine, Sodium Omadine, Panoctine, Tecto-F, Benlate-T, Homai, Sisthane, $P_{242}$, Busan 30, Tecto-Wp and Terracoat Zn. Blotter method and water agar plate method used in the laboratory and growing-on test used in greenhouse. Results have shown that Sisthane, $P_{242}$ and Sodium Omadine have equal or superior effect to organic mercury compound against P. oryzae, H. oryzae, and F. moniliforme. Benlate T and Homai are effective against blast and Bakanae disease, but are inferior to organic mercury compound against brown spot disease. Busan 30 and Panoctine are effective against blast and brown spot disease, but have moderately inferior effects against F. monilifome. It is considered that the recommendable testing methods of seed treatment were blotter method for P. oryzae and water agar plate method for H, oryzae and F. moniliforme according to the experimental results obtained. No phytotoxicity against seed germination and seedling growth were observed when treated with disinfectants before germination of seeds.
