Korean journal of applied entomology (한국응용곤충학회지)
- Volume 18 Issue 4 Serial No. 41
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- Pages.183-188
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- 1979
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- 1225-0171(pISSN)
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- 2287-545X(eISSN)
Studies ell the strawberry leaf flight Caused by Dondrophoma obscurans (Ell. & Ev.) Anderson
우리나라의 딸기 신병해 겹무늬병 (Dondrophoma obscurans)에 관한 연구
The study has been carried to describe a new disease of strawberry in Korea, which was found in 1977 at Kimhae. Symptom of the disease occurred mainly on leaves as showing large annular brown spots or 'V' shaped brown lesions. Many of dark pycnidia were observed from the both side of old lesions. The pathogen was identified as Dendrophoma obscurans (Ell. & Ev) Anderson which has not been described in Korea as a pathogen of strawberry disease. The common name of the disease was given, temporaly, as Annular leaf blight of strawberry. In the laboratory study, light was necessary for the production of pycnidia and potato dextrose agar was the best media for tile pycnidia formation. There were some difference on resistance to the disease among 48 tested strawberry varieties though none of them shelved highly resistant reaction, and the older leaves showed more susceptible reaction than younger ones.
1. 1977년 경남 김해에서 처음 발견되어 현재 딸기 잎의 반점성병해로서 최우점종으로 나타났으며 그 피해 막심하였다. 그 병징은 논문이 뚜렷한 대형의 갈색반점 또는 V자형의 갈반을 형성하였으au 병반이오래되면 중앙 고사부의 표리양면에 흑색의 병자각이 다수형성되었다. 본병원균을 분리한 결과우리나라에서는 미기록 병해인 Dendrophoma obscurans로 동정되었으며 본병을 겹무늬 병이라 명명하였다. 2. 본균의 병자각형성에는 광선이 필수조건이었으며 PDA배지상에서 병자각의 형성이 많았다. 3. 딸기 48품종에 대하여 품종간 발병의 차이를 조사한 결과 Red gauntlet, Senga Sengana, Torrey, Horida's wonder, Hokowase, Kogyoku, Dehak I등이 발병율이 높았으며 또 어린엽보다는 노엽에서 발병이 심하였다.