Supported by : 미국 NIH Primate Research Center
Anatomical measurements were made at the necoropsy and sacrifice in a group of 41 adult female Rhesus monkey to determine the 34 characteristcs found in tracheas snd bronchus. Table 1, 2, 3, 4, and figure 1 were therefore prepared as a guide in the further use for illustrating monkey lung research. Summary of this report is as follows: 1. Accurate Knowledge of these measurements may have some value in pulmonary dissection and reconstructive procedures. 2. These studies may provide a more accurate determination of the monkey lungs. 3. The right and left bronchus length of the monkey is shorter than fornd in man. 4. The left bronchus length is more longer than the rrght bronchas. 5. There were large variation among the weight of adult female Rhesus monkey.
Supported by : 미국 NIH Primate Research Center