낙엽분말(落葉粉末)을 이용(利用)한 합판용(合板用) 접착제(接着劑)의 증량(增量)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)

Studies on the Extending of Plywood Adhesives used Foliage Powder

  • 발행 : 1979.06.30


본연구(本硏究)는 합판용(合板用) 증량제(增量劑)로 사용(使用)하고 있는 도입소맥분(導入小麥粉)을 값이 싸고 대량생산(大量生產)이 가능(可能)한 낙엽분말증량제(落葉粉末增量劑)로 개발(開發)하여 대치(代置)키 위(爲)한 가능성(可能性)을 구명(究明)하기 위(爲)해서 계획(計劃)하고 착수(着手)되었다. 낙엽증량제(落葉增量劑)로 채취가공(採取加工)하기 위(爲)한 수종(樹種)은 침엽수종(針葉樹種)에서 소나무를 택(擇)하였고 활화수종(濶華樹種)에서는 미류나무, 참나무, 푸라타누스를 택(擇)하였으며, 각각(各各)의 낙엽(落葉)을 채취(採取)하여 $100{\sim}105^{\circ}C$에서 24시간동안(時間同安) 전건(全乾)시킨 다음 40 mesh로 분쇄한 분말(粉末)을 증량제(增量劑)로 사용(使用)하였으며, 이와 비교시험(比較試驗)을 위(爲)해서 소맥분(小麥粉)을 사용(使用)하였는데 소맥분(小麥粉)의 분말도(粉末度)는 100mesh의 것을 이용(利用)하였다. 증량방법(增量方法)은 합판접착용요소수지(合板接着用尿素樹脂)와 석탄산수지접착제(石炭酸樹脂接着劑)에 수종별(樹種別)로 낙엽분말(落葉粉末)과 소맥분(小麥粉)을 각각(各各) 10, 20, 30, 50 및 100%로 증량(增量)하여 합판(合板)을 가공(加工)한 다음 접착력(接着力)을 분석고찰(分析考察)하였다. 본연구(本硏究)에서 얻은 결론(結論)은 다음과 같다. 1) 요소수지접착제(尿素樹脂接着劑)에 10%를 증량(增量)한 합판(合板)의 상태접착력(常態接着力)은 소맥분증량(小麥粉增量)이 가장 높았으며, 다음은 무증량합판(無增量合板)이었고 낙엽분말(落葉粉末)을 증량(增量)한 합판(合板)은 가장 접착력(接着力)이 낮았다. 낙엽분말(落葉粉末)을 증량(增量)한 합판(合板)의 접착력순위(接着力順位)는 참나무 낙엽분말(落葉粉末)이 가장 좋았고 미류나무, 소나무, 푸라타누스낙엽분말(落葉粉末)의 순(順)으로 저하(低下)하였다. 2) 요소수지접착제(尿素樹脂接着劑)에 20%를 증량(增量)한 합판(合板)의 상태접착력(常態接着力)은 소맥분증량(小麥粉增量)이 가장 높았으며 다음은 미류나무낙엽분말증량합판(落葉粉末增量合板)이었으며 이들은 모두 무증량합판(無增量合板)보다 접착력(接着力)이 높았다. 미류나무를 제외(除外)하고 접착력(接着力)이 불량(不良)하지만 낙엽분말증량합판(落葉粉末增量合板)의 접착력순위(接着力順位)는 소나무, 푸라타누소, 참나무의 순(順)으로 낮아졌다. 3) 요소수지접착제(尿素樹脂接着劑)에 30%를 증량(增量)한 합판(合板)의 상태접착력(常態接着力)은 소맥분증량(小麥粉增量)이 가장 높았고 다음은 무증량합판(無增量合板)이었으며 낙엽분말(落葉粉末)을 증량(增量)한 합판(合板)은 접착력(接着力)이 급격히 저하(低下)하여 불량(不良)하였다. 4) 요소수지접착제(尿素樹脂接着劑)에 50%와 100%를 증량(增量)한 합판(合板)은 소맥분증량합판(小麥粉增量合板)만 우수(優秀)한 접착력(接着力)을 보여 주었을 뿐 낙엽분말(落葉粉末)을 증량(增量)한 합판(合板)은 50%에서만 소나무, 미류나무에서 약(弱)한 접착력(接着力)이 측정(測定)되었고 기타(其他)의 낙엽분말(落葉粉末)은 박리(剝離)하였고 100%에서는 모든 낙엽분말증량합판(落葉粉末增量合板)이 박리(剝離)하여 접착력(接着力)이 측정(測定)되지 않았다. 5) 요소수지접착제(尿素樹脂接着劑)에 10%를 증량(增量)한 합판(合板)의 내수접착력(耐水接着力)은 상태접착력(常態接着力)과 같이 소맥분(小麥粉)이 가장 높았고 다음은 무증량합판(無增量合板)이었으며 낙엽분말(落葉粉末)을 증량(增量)한 합판(合板)은 미류나무를 제외(除外)하고 모두 낮은 접착력(接着力)을 나타냈다. 6) 요소수지접착제(尿素樹脂接着劑)에 20%를 증량(增量)한 합판(合板)의 내수접착력(耐水接着力)은 무증량합판(無增量合板), 소맥분증량합판(小麥粉增量合板), 낙엽분말증량합판(落葉粉末增量合板) 순(順)으로 접착력(接着力)이 낮아졌으나 낙엽분말증량합판(落葉粉末增量合板)은 미류나무와 참나무를 제외(除外)하고 박리(剝離)하였다. 7)요소수지접착제(尿素樹脂接着劑)에 30%이상(以上)을 증량(增量)한 합판(合板)의 내수접착력(耐水接着力)은 30%와 50%의 소맥분증량(小麥粉增量)에서 접착력(接着力)이 측정(測定)되었을 뿐 낙엽분말(落葉粉末)은 모두 박리(剝離)하여 접착력(接着力)이 측정(測定)되지 않았다. 8) 석탄산수지접착제(石炭酸樹脂接着劑)에 10%를 증량(增量)한 합판(合板)의 상태접착력(常態接着力)은 소맥분증량(小麥粉增量)이 가장 우수(優秀)하였고 낙엽분말증량합판(落葉粉末增量合板)은 접착력(接着力)이 낮았으나 그 순위(順位)는 참나무, 미류나무, 소나무 순(順)이었고 푸라타누스에서는 박리(剝離)하였다. 9) 석탄산수지접착제(石炭酸樹脂接着劑)에 20%를 증량(增量)한 합판(合板)의 상태접착력(常態接着力)은 소맥분증량(小麥粉增量)이 가장 우수히였으나 소나무 낙엽분말합판(落葉粉末合板)이 그 다음으로 급상승(急上昇)하였으며 다음 순위(順位)는 참나무, 미류나무의 순(順)으로 저하(低下)하였고 푸라타누스는 박리(剝離)하였다. 10) 석탄산수지접착제(石炭酸樹脂接着劑)에 30%를 증량(增量)한 합판(合板)의 상태접착력(常態接着力)은 소나무가 급상승(急上昇)한 접착력(接着力)으로 소맥분증량합판(小麥粉增量合板)보다 우수(優秀)하였으나 미류나무, 참나무는 20%증량(增量) 보다 저하(低下)하는 경향을 나타내었으며 푸라타누스는 박리(剝離)하였다. 11) 석탄산수지접착제(石炭酸樹脂接着劑)에 50%와 100%를 증량(增量)한 합판(合板)의 상태접착력(常態接着力)은 소나무 낙엽분말증량합판(落葉粉末增量合板)과 소맥분증량합판(小麥粉增量合板)이 우수(優秀)한 접착력(接着力)을 보여주고 있는데 반(反)하여 미류나무, 참나무, 푸라타누스등(等) 활엽수낙엽분말(濶葉樹落葉粉末)의 증량(增量)은 박리(剝離)하여 접착력(接着力)이 측정(測定)되지 않았다. 12) 낙엽분말(落葉粉末)의 증량(增量)은 요소수지접착제(尿素樹脂接着劑)에서 미류나무 낙엽분말(落葉粉末)을 20%까지 첨가사용(添加使用)할 수 있으며 석탄산수지접착제(石炭酸樹脂接着劑)에서는 소나무 낙엽분말(落葉粉末)을 소맥분(小麥粉)의 증량(增量)과 똑같이 첨가사용(添加使用)할 수 있다.

It was planned and performed to study the possibility on the use of inexpensive and easily acquirable foliage powder, which processed by pulverizing after dried, instead of imported expensive wheat flour for the extending of plywood adhesives. Pine leaves of softwood trees, Poplar, Oak and Sycamore leaves of broad leaved species were selected and harvested to pulverize into the minute foliage powder. The harvested foliages from each selected species were pulverized into 40 mesh particles after dried at $100{\sim}105^{\circ}C$ condition during 24 hours in drying oven. To compare the extending effect of plywood adhesives with these foliage powders 100 mesh wheat flour using at current plywood industry was also prepared. Foliage powder and wheat flour were extended into 10, 20, 30, 50 and 100% to the urea and phenol formaldehyde resin. After plywoods were processed by the above extending method shear strength of extended plywoods were analyzed and discussed. The results obtained at this study are as follows: 1) Among 10% extensions of urea formaldehyde resin plywood, dry shear strength of plywood extended by wheat flours was the highest and that of non-extended plywood the next. Plywood extended with foliage powder showed the lowest dry shear strength. The order of dry shear strength of plywoods extended by foliage powder was that of Oak foliage powder extension, the best, that of Sycamore, that of Pine, and that of Poplar. 2) Among 20% extensions of urea formaldehyde resin plywood, plywood extended by wheat flour showed the highest dry shear strength, and the next was plywood by Poplar foliage powder. All these two showed higher dry shear strength than non-extension plywoods. Except Poplar, dry shear strength of foliage powder extension plywoods was bad, but the order of dry shear strength of plywoods extended by foliage powder was Pine, Poplar and Oak. 3) In the case of 30% extensions of urea formaldehyde resin plywood, dry shear strength of wheat flour extension was the highest and non-extension the next. Dry shear strength of foliage powder extension plywoods was poor with a rapid falling-off in strength. 4) Among 50% and 100% extensions of urea formaldehyde resin plywood, only wheat flour showed excellent dry shear strength. In the case of foliage powder extension, low dry shear strength showed at the 50% extension of Pine and Poplar, and plywoods of 50% extension of Oak foliage powder delaminated without measured strength. All plywoods of 100% foliage powder extension delaminated, and then shear strength were not measured. 5) Among wet shear strength of 10% extensions of urea formaldehyde resin plywood, wheat flour extension was the highest as in the case of dry shear strength, and non-extension plywood the next. Except Poplar foliage extension, all foliage powder extension plywoods showed low shear strength. 6) Wet shear strength of plywoods of 20% extension lowered in order of non-extension plywood, plywood of wheat flour extension and plywood of foliage powder extension, but other plywoods of foliage powder extension except plywoods of Poplar and Oak foliage powder extension delaminated. 7) Wet shear strength of 30% or more extension of urea formadehyde resin plywood were weakly measured only at 30% and 50% extension of wheat flour, and wet shear strength of plywoods extended by foliage powder were not measured because of delaminating. 8) Dry shear strength of phenol formaldehyde plywoods extended by 10% wheat flour was the best, and shear strength of plywoods extended by foliage powder were low, but the order was Oak, Poplar, and Pine. Plywood of Sycamore foliage powder extension delaminated. 9) In the case of 20% extensions of phenol formaldehyde resin, dry shear strength of plywood extended by wheat flour was the best, but plywood of Pine foliage powder extension the next, and the next order was Oak and Poplar foliage powder. Plywood of Sycamore foliage powder extension delaminated. 10) Among dry shear strength of 30% extensions of phenol formaldehyde plywood, that of Pine foliage powder extension was on the rise and more excellent than plywood of wheat flour extension, but Poplar and Oak showed the tendency of decreasing than the case of 20% extension. Plywood of Sycamore foliage powder extension delaminated. 11) While dry shear strength of 50% and 100% extension plywoods were excellent in the case of Pine foliage powder and wheat flour extension, that of hardwood such as Poplar, Oak, and Sycamore foliage powder extension were not measured because of delaminating. 12) As a filler the foliage powder extension of urea formaldehyde resin is possible up to 20% with Poplar foliage powder. And also as an extender for phenol formaldehyde resin, Pine foliage powder can be added up to the same amount as that in the case of wheat flour.



연구 과제 주관 기관 : 산학협동재단