Factors affecting the survival of out planted Cryptomeria and Japanese cypress Seedlings (I) -Especially on the drying and water soaking duration-

삼나무(杉), 편백나무 산출묘(山出苗)의 활착(活着) 영향인자(影響因子(I) -건조(乾燥)(실내(室內), 실외(室外), OED green) 및 침지(浸漬)-

  • Received : 1979.10.20
  • Published : 1979.08.31


Factors affecting the survival of out planted Cryptomena and Japaneses Cypress seedlings. (I) - Especially on the drying and water soaking duration ­ There are often the cases of poor survival percentage for the economic forest establishments of Cryplomeria japonica D. Don. and Chamaecyparis obtusa End. This study was carried out to investigate the survival factors of both 1-1 seedlings and Cryptomena cutting Seedlings by room drying conditions, day drying conditions, OED green water soaking treatment and drying duration at the forest nursery of Chonnam National University from February to September. 1979. The results are as follows: 1. From 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. fluctuation in then moisture contents(MC) rapidly decreased and M.C. fluctuation in indoor until 5 p.m. showed the same results with the amount of an hour fluctuation in outdoor. 2. M.C. fluctuations between OED green and non-treatment of these seedlings were silghtly different. 3. The survival percentage of OED green and non-treatment of seedlings were highly significant in the room drying conditions and the day drying conditions respectively The effects of water soaking treatment on rooting was negligible. The survival percentage of seedlings of OED green was higher than that of non-treatment. 4. Although survival percentage of Japanese Cypress was almost in accord with Cryptomena, the power of resistance to drying was lower m Japanese Cypress than m Cryptomeria. 5. Compared with Cryptomena seedlings the survival percentage of Cryptomeria cutting seedlings was higher and not influenced at all in case of being drying for two hours; but it was highly significant in interactions between the drying time and the water soaking time. 6. When Cryptomena and Japanese Cypress seedling become drying in indoor for four days, the survival percentage remarkably reduced after two days and also was highly significant among numbers of drying days.

삼나무 및 편백나무의 산지조림시(山地造林時) 활착율(活着率)아 낮은 경우(境遇)가 왕왕(往往) 있으므로 이들 요인(要因)을 구명(究明)코저 1979년(年) 2월(月)부터 9월(月)까지 삼나무, 편백나무, 1-1실생묘(實生苗)와 삼나무 2-1삽목묘(揷木苗)를 공시목(共試木)으로 실내(室內) 및 주간노지(晝間露地) 건조조건(乾燥條件)과 OED green 및 수침적(水浸積) 조건처리(條件處理)를 하여 활착률(活着率)을 시험(試驗)하였던 바 다음과 같은 결과(結果)를 얻었다. 1. 수분함량(水分含量)은 11시(時)부터 15시(時)까지 급격(急激)히 떨어졌으며 실내(室內)에서 17시(時)가지의 감량(減量)은 실외(室外)에서 1사간(時間) 동안의 감량(減量)과 같다. 2. OED green 처리(處理)와 무처리간(無處理間)에는 함수량(含水量) 변도(變動)에 큰 차이(差異)가 없었다. 3. 삼나무, 편백나무, 실생묘(實生苗)의 실(室) 및 주간건조(晝間乾燥) 조건(條件)에 있어서의 활착률(活着率)은 OEDgreen 처리(處理)나 무처리(無處理)가 각각(各各) 고도(高度)의 유의성(有意性)이 있었고 침적효과(浸積效果)도 미약(微弱)했다. 4. 편백나무묘(苗)의 활착률(活着率)은 삼나무 실생묘(實生苗)와 거의 일치(一致)하였으나 건조(乾燥)에 대(對)한 저항력(抵抗力)은 낮은 편(便)이다. 5. 삼나무 삽목묘(揷木苗)고 실생묘(實生苗)에 비(比)하여 활착률(活着率)이 높았으며 2시간(時間) 동안 건조(乾燥)한 경우(境遇)도 전(全)혀 활착률(活着率)에 영향(影響)이 없었다. 또한 건조시간(乾燥時間)과 침적시간(浸積時間)과의 상호작용(相互作用)에 고도(高度)의 유의성(有意性)이 있었다. 6.삼나무, 편백나무, 실생묘(實生苗)는 실내(室內)에서 4일간(日間) 건조(乾燥)하였을 때 2시경(時頃)부터 활착률(活着率)이 현저(顯著)히 떨어졌으며 건조일수간(乾燥日數間)에 고도(高度)의 유의성(有意性)이 있었다.
