火焰傳播速度測定에 關한 硏究 -層流火焰에 關하여-

A Study on the Flame Propagating Speed Measurement-For the Laminar Flame-

  • 발행 : 1979.02.01


Propane-Air premixed combustible gas was ignited by the conventional current break system inside the open combustion chamber under the atmospheric pressure and the room temperature to measure the flame propagating speed and the burning speed, also to elucidate the history of the propagating flame behavior and wall effects to flame shape by using Ion Gap Method and High Speed Schlieren Photography. The results obtained show that the maximum flame propagating speed and maximum burning speed are approximately 292 cm/sec and 36 cm/sec at the mixture ratio 4.6%, respectively. The cellular flame structures can be observable in the rich mixture region, moreover, the cellular structures become finer, with increasing the mixture strength.
