Italian Rye Grass 초지군락의 청예처리빈도에 따른 생산성과 질소이용성

Nitrogen Utility during the Population Development with Different Clipping Treatments on Italian Rye Grass Field

  • 발행 : 1979.09.01


The plant growth and net production, the nitrogen uptake and recycling, the nitrogen mobility and allocation to each organ, and the nitrogen utility from the Italian rye grass field during the population development were analyzed in comparison with different clipping treatments. The maximum dry matter standing crop and nitrogen quantity of harvest increased significantly, however, the annual amounts of dry matter and nitrogen assimilation showed little variations with increasing clipping frequencies. Plants treated with frequent clippings allocated relatively more nitrogen to leaves and less to roots during the experimental period. The amount of recycling of nitrogen decreased considerably due to frequent clippings. The annual averages of nitrogen utility indices changed in inverse relation to the nitrogen availability; such as 63, 58, 44 and 35 for C, A, M and J plots, respectively.
