Studies on nutrient sources, fermentation and harmful organisms of the synthetic compost affecting yield of Agaricus bisporus (Lange) Sing

양송이 수량(收量)에 미치는 합성퇴비배지(合成堆肥培地)의 영양원(營養源), 발효(醱酵) 및 유해생물(有害生物)에 관((關)한 연구(硏究)

  • Published : 1979.06.30


These studies were conducted to investigate nutrient sources and supplementary materials of synthetic compost media for Agaricus bisporus culture. Investigation were carried out to establish the optimum composition for compost of Agaricus bisporus methods of out-door fermentation and peakheating with rice straw as the main substrate of the media. The incidence and flora of harmful organisms in rice straw compost and their control were also studied. 1. When rice straw was used as the main substrate in synthetic compost as a carbon source. yields were remarkably high. Fermentation was more rapid than that of barley straw or wheat straw, and the total nitrogen content was high in rice straw compost. 2. Since the morphological and physico-chemical nature of Japonica and Indica types of rice straw are greatly dissimilar. there were apparent differences in the process of compost fermentation. Fermentation of Indica type straw proceeded more rapidly with a shortening the compost period, reducing the water supply, and required adding of supplementary materials for producing stable physical conditions. 3. Use of barley straw compost resulted in a smaller crop compared with rice straw. but when a 50%, barley straw and 50% rice straw mixture was used, the yield was almost the same as that using only rice straw. 4. There were extremely high positive correlations between yield of Agaricus bisporus and the total nitrogen, organic nitrogen, amino acids, amides and amino sugar nitrogen content of compost. The mycerial growth and fruit body formation were severely inhibited by ammonium nitrogen. 5. When rice straw was used as the main substrate for compost media, urea was the most suitable source of nitrogen. Poor results were obtained with calcium cyanamide and ammonium sulfate. When urea was applied three separate times, nitrogen loss during composting was decreased and the total nitrogen content of compost was increased. 6. The supplementation of organic nutrient activated compost fermentation and increased yield of Agaricus bisporus. The best sources of organic nutrients were: perilla meal, sesame meal, wheat bran and poultry manure, etc. 7. Soybean meal, tobacco powder and glutamic acid fermentation by-products which were industrial wastes, could be substituted for perilla meal, sesame meal and wheat bran as organic nutrient sources for compost media. B. When gypsum and zeolite were added to rice straw. physical deterioration of compost due to excess moisture and caramelization was observed. The Indica type of straw was more remarkable in increase of yield of Agricus bisporus by addition of supplementing materials than Japonica straw. 9. For preparing rice straw compost, the best mixture was prepared by 10% poultry manure, 5% perilla meal, 1. 2 to 1. 5% urea and 1% gypsum. At spring cropping, it was good to add rice bran to accelerate heat generation of the compost heap. 10. There was significantly high positive correlation (r=0.97) between accumulated temperature and the decomposition degree of compost during outdoor composting. The yield was highest at accumulated temperatures between 900 and $1,000^{\circ}C$. 11. Prolonging the composting period brought about an increase in decomposition degree and total nitrogen content, but a decrease in ammonium nitrogen. In the spring the suitable period of composting was 20 to 25 days. and about 15 days in autumn. For those periods, the degree of decomposition was 19 to 24%. 12. Compactness of wet compost at filling caused an increase in the residual ammonium nitrogen. methane and organic acid during peak heating. There was negative correlation between methane content and yield (r=0.76)and the same was true between volatile organic acid and yield (r=0.73). 13. In compost with a moisture content range between 69 to 80% at filling. the higher the moisture content, the lower the yield (r=0.78). This result was attributed to a reduction in the porosity of compost at filling the beds. The optimum porosity for good fermentation was between 41 and 53%. 14. Peak heating of the compost was essential for the prevention of harmful microorganisms and insect pests. and for the removal of excess ammonia. It was necessary to continue fer mentatiion for four days after peak heating. 15. Ten species of fungi which are harmful or competitive to Agaricus bisporus were identified from the rice compost, including Diehliomyces microsporus, Trichoderma sp. and Stysanus stemoites. The frequency of occurrance was notably high with serious damage to Agaricus bisporus. 16. Diehliomyces microsporus could be controlled by temperature adjustment of the growing room and by fumigating the compost and the house with Basamid and Vapam. Trichoderma was prevented by the use of Bavistin and Benomyl. 17. Four species of nematodes and five species of mites occured in compost during out-door composting. These orgnanisms could be controlled through peakheating compost for 6 hours at $60^{\circ}C$.

양송이 합성퇴비(合成堆肥) 배지(培地)의 제조(製造)에 있어서 탄소원(炭素原), 질소원(窒素源) 등(等) 영양원(營養源)과 물리적(物理的) 안정(安定)을 위(爲)한 보조재료(補助材料)의 선정(選定), 볏짚을 주재료(主材料)로 사용(使用)할 때의 퇴비재료(堆肥材料)의 배합(配合), 야외퇴적(野外堆積) 및 후발효(後醱酵), 볏짚 퇴비배지(堆肥倍地)에서의 유해생물(有害生物) 발생(發生) 및 방제(防除)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)를 수행(遂行)한 바 그 결과(結果)를 요약(要約)하면 다음과 같다. 1. 합성퇴비배지(合成堆肥倍地)의 탄소원(炭素原)으로서 볏짚은 보리짚과 밀짚보다 발효(醱酵)가 신속(迅速)하고 퇴비(堆肥)의 질소함량(窒素含量)이 높으며 배지(培地)의 질(質)이 양호(良好)하여 양송이 자실체(字實體) 수량(收量)이 현저(顯著)히 높았다. 2. 한국(韓國)에서 생산(生産)되는 일본형(日本型) 벼와 통일품종(統一品種等) 두 계통(系統)의 볏짚은 초형(草型) 및 이화학적(理化學的) 성질(性質)이 달라서 퇴비(堆肥)의 발효상태(醱酵狀態)에 차이(差異)가 많았다. 통일(統一)볏짚은 발효(醱酵)가 빠르게 진행(進行)되므로 퇴적기간(堆積期間)을 단축(短縮)하고 수분공급량(水分供給量)을 감소(減少)시키며 물리성(物理成) 안정재(安定材)를 첨가(添加)하여야 한다. 3. 보릿짚 퇴비(堆肥)는 볏짚퇴비(堆肥)보다 생산성(生産性)이 낮으나 보릿짚과 볏짚을 50 : 50으로 혼용(混用)하면 볏짚과 대등(對等)한 수량(收量)을 얻을 수 있었다. 4. 퇴비배지(堆肥倍地)의 전질소(全窒素), 전유기물(全有機物) 질소(窒素) 및 Amino산태(酸態), Amide태(態) Amino당태(糖態) 질소(窒素)와 자실체(字實體) 수량간(收量間)에는 각각(各各) 높은 정(正)의 상관(相關)이 있으나 Ammonia태(態) 질소(窒素)는 균사생장 및 자실체(字實體) 형성(形成)에 심(甚)히 유해(有害)하였다. 5. 볏짚을 주재료(主材料)로 사용(使用)할 때 무기태(無機態) 질소원(窒素源)으로서 요소(尿素)가 가장 좋았고 유안(硫安)과 석회질소(石灰質素)는 부적당(不適當)하였다. 요소(尿素)는 3회(回) 분시(分施)할 때 손실(損失)이 감소(減少)되고 퇴비(堆肥)의 질소함량(窒素含量)이 증가(增加)하였다. 6. 유기태영양원(有機態營養源) 중(中) 들깻묵, 참깻묵, 밀기울, 계양(鷄養) 등(等)의 첨가(添加)는 퇴비(堆肥)의 발효(醱酵)를 양호(良好)하게 하고 자실체수량(字實體收量)을 증가(增加)시켰다. 7. 들깻묵, 밀기울 등(等) 유기태영양원(有機態營養源)은 장유박(醬油粕), 이분조미료폐비(泥粉調味料廢肥) 등(等) 공장폐엽물(工場廢葉物)로서 대체(代替)하여 재배(栽培)할 수 있었다. 8. 볏짚퇴비(堆肥) 제조시(製造時) 석고(石膏)와 Zeolite를 첨가(添加)하면 과습(過濕) 및 결착(結着) 등(等)으로 인(因)한 물리성(物理性)의 악화(惡化)가 방지(防止)되며, 자실체수량(字實體收量)이 증가(增加)하는데 그 효과(效果)는 일본형(日本型) 볏짚보다 통일(統一)에서 현저(顯著)하였다. 9. 볏짚을 주재료(主材料)로 퇴비재료(堆肥材料)를 배합(配合)할 때 계양(鷄養) 10%, 깻묵 5%, 요소(尿素) $1.2{\sim}1.5%$, 석고(石膏) 1%를 첨가(添加)하고 봄재배(栽培) 때는 발열촉진(發熱促進)을 위(爲)하여 미강(米糠)을 첨가(添加)하는 것이 좋았다. 10. 볏짚배지(培地)의 야외퇴적시(野外堆積時) 적산온도(積算溫度)와 퇴비(堆肥) 부열도간(腐熱度間)에는 r=0.97의 높은 상관(相關)이 이고 적산온도(積算溫度) $900{\sim}1000^{\circ}C$일 때 자실체(字實體) 수량(收量)이 가장 많았다. 11. 퇴적기간(堆積期間)이 길어질수록 퇴비(堆肥)의 부열도(腐熱度)가 높아지고 전질소함량(全窒素含量)이 증가(增加)하고 Ammonia태(態) 질소(窒素)는 감소(減少)하였는데, 볏짚배지(培地)의 퇴적기간(堆積期間)은 봄재배(栽培) $20{\sim}25$일(日), 가을재배(栽培) 15일(日)이 적당(適當)하였고 그때의 부열도(腐熱度)는 각각 19및 24%였다. 12. 퇴비(堆肥) 후발효시(後醱酵時) 수분함량(水分含量)이 높은 퇴비(堆肥)를 진압(鎭壓) 하여 입상(入床)할 때 공기유통(空氣流通)이 감소(減少)하여 Ammonia태(態) 질소(窒素)의 잔류량(殘溜量)이 증가(增加)하고 Methane과 유기산(有機酸) 등(等) 환원성(還元性) 물질(物質)의 생성(生成)이 많았다. r=-0.76, 휘발성(揮發性) 유기산(有機酸)과는 r=-0.73의 부(負)의 상관(相關)이 있었다. 13. 입상시(入床時) 퇴비(堆肥)의 수분함량(水分含量) $69{\sim}80%$ 범위(範圍)에서 자실체(字實體) 수량(收量)은 수분함량(水分含量)이 증가(增加)할수록 감소(減少)하였는데 (r=-0.78) 이것은 공극량(孔隙量)의 감소(減少)에 기인(基因)하는 것이었다. 입상시(入床時) 균상(菌床)의 적정 공극량(孔隙量)은 $41{\sim}45%$. 14. 후발효(後發效) 정열(頂熱)은 병해충 방제(防除) 뿐 아니고 Ammonia의 제거(除去)를 위(爲)해서 필수적(必須的) 과정(科程)이며 정열후(情熱後) 4일간(日間)의 발효(發效) 과정(科程)이 필요(必要)하였다. 15. 볏짚 퇴비배지(堆肥倍地)에서 양송이 균(菌)에 유해(有害)한 영향(影響)을 미치는 사장균 10종(種)이 동정(同定)되었는데 그 중(中) Diehliomyces microsporus, Trichoderma spp.,Stysanus stemoitis 등(等)은 발생빈도(發生頻度)가 높고 피해(被害)가 심(甚)하였다. 16. Diehliomyces는 재배사(栽培舍) 온도조절(溫度調節), Basamid와 Vapam처리(處理)로서 방제(防除)가 가능(可能)하며 Trichoderma spp.는 Bavistin과 Benomyl 철포(撤布)로서 방제(防除)되었다. 17. 퇴비중(堆肥中) 서식(棲息)하여 양송이를 가해(加害)하는 4종(種)의 선충과 5종(種)의 응애(類)는 퇴비(堆肥)를 $60^{\circ}C$에서 6시간(時間) 정열(頂熱)시키므로서 방제(防除)할 수 있었다.
