Activities of Several Hydrolytic Enzymes in the Pear Leaves Affected by Rust Fungus, Gymnosporangium haraeanum Sydow

배나무적성병 병반조직의 몇가지 가수분해효소의 활성

  • Published : 1978.09.01


Activities of several hydrolytic enzymes in the rusted pear loaves were estimated. Tested enzymes were cellulase (Cx), invertase $\beta-amylase$, pectinase (pectinmethylesterase and polygalacturonase), and phosphatase. Enzyme activities represented by pH value-enzyme activitycurve. Activities of Cx. invertase. and $\beta-amylase$ were higher in the healthy part than those in the near-lesion and lesion parts. and showed the maximal activities around pH 7.0. On the other hand, activities of pectinase and phosphatase were higher in the lesion and near-lesion parts than in the healthy part. Pectinmethylesterase activities in the healthy and diseased parts were different with different curve-pattern as the pH of treating solution changed.

적성병균에 감염된 배나무 잎에서 건전부위, 병반인접부위 및 병반부위별로 몇가지 가수분해효소의 활성을 측정한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. Cellulase (Cx), Invertase 및 $\beta-amylase$의 활성은 감염부위에서 보다 건전부위에서 더 높았고 모두 pH 7.0부근인 중성측에서 최대활성이 나타났다. 2. Pectinmethylesterase, Polygalacturonase 및 Phosphatase의 활성은 병반인접부위에서 높았다. 3. Pectinmethylesterase의 활성은 건전부위와 병반 및 그인접부위 간에 pH에 따라 심한 활성차리가 인정되었다.
