Korean journal of applied entomology (한국응용곤충학회지)
- Volume 17 Issue 1 Serial No. 34
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- Pages.53-63
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- 1978
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- 1225-0171(pISSN)
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- 2287-545X(eISSN)
Studies on the Resistance of Leading Rice Varieties to Leaf-and Planthoppers
멸구, 매미 충류에 대한 한국주요수도품종의 저항성에 관한 연구
- Kim Kyu Chin (Crop Experiment Station, Office of Rural Development)
- 김규진 (농촌진흥청 작물시험장)
- Published : 1978.03.01
The object of this study is to clarify the varietal resistance to green leaf-and planthoppers and to evaluate the nature of the resistance to the insects in connection with the antibiosis. This study investigated the reaction of the 46 rice varieties to insects including recommended varieties of Korea. At seedling stage they were infested with second or third instar nymphs. The results were as follows. 1. The body weight of brown planthopper was increased more than 3 times on susceptible rice variety Mankyung at 15 days after infestation but only 2 times on resistant mudgo. 2. The mortaliy of the brown planthopper was significantly different between resistant and susceptible rice plant, showing 74 percents in resistant Mudgo while 31.2 percents in susceptible Mankyung at 15 days after caging. 3. Most of the rice varieties tested showed highly susceptible reaction to brown planthopper except Mudgo, KR 108-243-1 and HR 529-41-3-2 as resistant varieties, and Akamochi, Satominori, IR 24 and IR 8 as moderately susceptible ones. 4. In the test of varietal resistance to white-backed planthhopper, Mudgo, KR 108-243-1, KR 109-154-2 and HR 529-45-2 and HR 529-45-3-2 were resistant, and Suweon #82, Tongil, IR 8, Palkeum, Iri #309, Hokwang and Chukoku #31 were moderatly susceptible. 5. Most of the varieties tested were observed as highly resistant to green rice leafhopper, but Tongil, Suweon 82, IR 24, Milsung and Chukoku #31 were moderatly susceptible. 6. The new bred lines HR 108-243-1 are multi-resistant to brown planthopper, green rice leafhopper and White-backed planthopper, and some others showed moderate susceptibility.
본 연구는 도작해충으로서 문제화되고 있는 벼멸구, 흰등멸구, 끝동매미중에 대한 저항성정도를 구명하고 저 전국각도 수도장려품종을 포함한 주요품종 40품종과 최근에 육성된 우량계통 6계통을 공시하여 2-3령충의 약충을 접종 내성의 반응을 검토하고, 벼멸구에 대한 저항성품종과 감수성품종의 친화성을 조사한 바 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 저항성품종 Mudgo와 감수성품종 만경에서의 벼멸구 사육일수에 따른 충체의 증가량은 접종당시에 비하여 접종후 15일에 Mudgo에서는 2배정도였으나 만경에서는 3배이상의 증체량을 보였다. 2. 감수성품종(만경)과 저항성품종(Mudo)에서의 벼멸구 사육일수별 생충율과 사충율 조사에서 접종후 15일에 사충율이 Mudgo