Korean journal of applied entomology (한국응용곤충학회지)
- Volume 17 Issue 1 Serial No. 34
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- Pages.41-47
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- 1978
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- 1225-0171(pISSN)
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- 2287-545X(eISSN)
Studios on the Synthetic Pheromones of Striped Rice Borer and Tortricid Insect Pests
이화명충과 과수잎말이나방류 해충의 합성 Pheromone에 관한 연구
- Song Y. H. (Crop Improvement Research Center, O.R.D.) ;
- Song H. Y. (Institute of Agr. Science, ORD) ;
- Kim H. K. (Korea Agr. Chemical Co. Ltd) ;
- Chang Y. D. (Institute of Agr. Science, ORD) ;
- Lippold P. C. (Crop Improvement Research Center, O.R.D.)
- Published : 1978.03.01
Pheromones of several insect species were evaluated in a screening program in terms of their usefulness in pest forecasting and control in Korea. Species included striped rite borer (Chilo suppressalis) and tortricid moths, which attack deciduous fruit, and colding moth. The pheromone of striped rice borer was supplied through the courtesy of the Tropical Products Institute, London. Pheromones of other species were obtained from Cornell University and the Zoecon Corporation of Palo Alto, California. 'rho results of this experiment were as follows: 1. Live traps containing virgin striped rice borer female moths were more effective in attracting male moths than were the pheromone traps. 2. Since the effectiveness of the striped rice borer pheromone decreased dramatically with time, it was difficult to estimate the peak tine of the borer emergence. 3. The primary species trapped in deciduous fruit orchards was the oriental fruit moth, Grapholitha molesta. The traps were baited with the phermones, OFM and LAW. 4. Several moth species were trapped with OBLR. RBLR. SPAR and ArcM phermones but few were trapped with the remaining eight tortricid pheromones. 5. The following tortricid pheromones might be useful for forecasting the species given: OFM, LAW : Grapholitha molesta OBLR : Archips breviprecanus OBLH, RBLR, ArcM : Archippus coreensis Archips fuscocupreanus Hoshinoa longicellana SPAR, TBM ; Phyroderces sp.
본 시험은 이화명충과 과수의 잎말이류 및 Codling Moth의 Pheromone등 모두 15종의 합성 Pheromone을 도입하여 국내해충의 예찰과 방제에 이용가능한 Pheromone의 선발코자 수행하였다. 이화명충 Pheromone은 미국의 열대생산물연구소에서 합성한 것을 사용하였으며 과수해충의 Pheromone은 Comell 대학과 Zoecon회사에서 공급받았다. 본 시험의 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 이화명충의 미교미 암컷을 넣은 Trap이 합성 Pheromone을 넣은 Trap보다 숫컷을 유인하는 능력이 컸다. 2. 이화명충의 합성 Pheromone은 설치 후 시간이 경과함에 따라 유인력이 감소하여 발생정점을 잡을 수 없었다. 3. 과수잎말이류 해충중 복숭아순나방이 OFM과 LAW Pheromone에 가장 많이 유인되었다. 4. OBLR, RBLR, SPAR, 그리고 ArcM Pheromone에 수종의 과수잎말이류 나방이 다수 유인되었으나 기타 8종의 Pheromone에는 유인나방의 수가 적었다. 5. 본 시험의 결과로 보아 해충의 발생예찰에 이용가능 할 것으로 생각되는 합성 Phreomone과 이들의 적용해충은 다음과 같다. OFM, LAW: 복숭아순나방 OBLR: 사과무늬잎말이나방 OBLR, RBLR, ArcM: 한국잎말이나방, 검모무늬 잎말이나방, 사과잎말이나방 SPAR, TBM Pyroderces속의 일종