It is given in the Lecture Note [1] of Berger, Gauduchon and Mazet that, if ${\pi}$n: (${\tilde{M}}$, ${\tilde{g}}$)${\rightarrow}$(${\tilde{M}}$, ${\tilde{g}}$) is a Riemannian submersion with totally geodesic fibers, ${\Delta}$ and ${\tilde{\Delta}}$ are Laplace operators on (${\tilde{M}}$, ${\tilde{g}}$) and (M, g) respectively and f is an eigenfunction of ${\Delta}$, then its lift $f^L$ is also an eigenfunction of ${\tilde{\Delta}}$ with the common eigenvalue. But such a simple relation does not hold for an eigenform of the Laplace-Beltrami operator ${\Delta}=d{\delta}+{\delta}d$. If ${\omega}$ is an eigenform of ${\Delta}$ and ${\omega}^L$ is the horizontal lift of ${\omega}$, ${\omega}^L$ is not in genera an eigenform of the Laplace-Beltrami operator ${\tilde{\Delta}}$ of (${\tilde{M}}$, ${\tilde{g}}$). The present author has obtained a set of formulas which gives the relation between ${\tilde{\Delta}}{\omega}^L$ and ${\Delta}{\omega}$ in another paper [7]. In the present paper a Sasakian submersion is treated. A Sasakian manifold (${\tilde{M}}$, ${\tilde{g}}$, ${\tilde{\xi}}$) considered in this paper is such a one which admits a Riemannian submersion where the base manifold is a Kaehler manifold (M, g, J) and the fibers are geodesics generated by the unit Killing vector field ${\tilde{\xi}}$. Then the submersion is called a Sasakian submersion. If ${\omega}$ is a eigenform of ${\Delta}$ on (M, g, J) and its lift ${\omega}^L$ is an eigenform of ${\tilde{\Delta}}$ on (${\tilde{M}}$, ${\tilde{g}}$, ${\tilde{\xi}}$), then ${\omega}$ is called an eigenform of the first kind. We define a relative eigenform of ${\tilde{\Delta}}$. If the lift ${\omega}^L$ of an eigenform ${\omega}$ of ${\Delta}$ is a relative eigenform of ${\tilde{\Delta}}$ we call ${\omega}$ an eigenform of the second kind. Such objects are studied.