벤잘피롤린온의 광증감적 이성질화 반응

Sensitized Photoisomerization of Benzalpyrrolinones

  • 박용태 (경북대학교 자연과학대학 화학과) ;
  • Park, Y-T. (Department of Chemistry, Kyungpook National University) ;
  • D. A. Lightner (Department of Chemistry, University of Navada)
  • 발행 : 1978.12.30


벤잘피롤린은 (Z-2, Z-4)을 직접 조사하거나 광증감제를 넣어 조사하니 광산소화되지 않고 광이성화 되었다. 단색광 (557nm)을 사용하여 광증감제인 로즈벤갈 (rose bengal)만을 들뜨게하여서 일어나는 벤잘피롤린은 (Z-2, Z-4 및 E-2)들의 이성화에서는 삼중상태의 벤잘피롤린온이 관여하였다.

Rather than undergo photooxygenation, the Z-configuration benzalpyrrolinones (Z-2, Z-4) photoisomerized to the E-configuration isomers under direct or sensitized irradiation. Rose bengal sensitized photochemical stereoisomerzation of benzalpyrrolinones (Z-2, Z-4 and E-2) with monochromatic light (at 557 nm, excitation of rose bengal only) showed that the triplet of benzalpyrrolinones was involved in the photoisomerization, since oxygen inhibited the photoisomerization.



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