한국 인삼과 타국 인삼의 성분 비교 연구

Comparative Studies on the Components of Korean and Foreign Ginsengs

  • 발행 : 1978.12.01


We have compared the panaxadiol and panaxatriol contents of white ginsengs from different countries and red ginseng, by using gas and high-pressure liquid chromatographies. Oleanolic acid contents in various ginseng species were compared by gas liquid chromatography and densitometry. Korean ginseng was found to contain greater amount of panaxadiol and panaxatriol than those of any other countries. The ginsengs from other countries, especially Chikusetzu ginseng, were found to contain far greater amount of oleanolic acid than Korean ginseng.



  1. 朝鮮醫學會誌 v.2 金夏植
  2. 日本臨床 v.25 大浦彦吉
  3. 대한약리학잡지 v.4 吳鎭燮(外)
  4. 가톨릭대학 의학부 논문집 v.19 박원호(외)
  5. 최신의학 v.13 박원호(외)
  6. 中央大學校 論文集 v.19 韓德龍(外)
  7. Chem. Pharm. Bull. v.22 Shibata(et al.)
  8. 藥學會誌 v.17 禹麟根(외)
  9. Yakugaku Zasshi v.94 難波恒雄(외)
  10. Yakugaku Zasshi v.95 坂本征則(외)
  11. Kor. J. Pharmacogn. v.4 J.Y.Kim;E.J.Staba
  12. Shoyakugaku Zasshi v.21 T.Manki;T.Tomimori