Studies on the Seasonal Increase of the Population of the Smallerbrown Planthopper, Laodelphax striatellus(Fallen)

애멸구의 세대별 증식동태에 관한 연구 -기주식물의 종류와 생육단계와 증식과의 관계-

  • Hyun Jai Sun (College of Agriculture, Seoul National University) ;
  • Woo Kun Suk (College of Agriculture, Seoul National University) ;
  • Ryoo Mun Il (College of Agriculture, Seoul National University)
  • Published : 1977.03.01


The smaller brown planthopper overwinters mostly as the fourth instar nymph. The emerged adult disperses to winter barley or wheat plants. The adult of the first generation disperses into the rice field, and spends three generations in the rice field. The population densities of the adults of the first generation and the overall density of the second generations are the most important in relation to the incidents of the rice stripe disease which is transmitted by this insects. This study was intended to analyse the population increases in these important generations in relation to the kind and the different growing stage of the host plants. The insects were reared on potted host plants of different growing stage in the insect cages. The population increases of the insects in the cages were compared with those on the rice seedlings in the laboratory. The results are as follows: 1. The average longevities of the adults of the generations were 13.4 days for the overwintered, 12.9 days for the first, and 10.2 days for the second generation, and showed no significant differences between the generations even they seemed to be shorter than normal condition probably caused by the frequent disturbance at the time of food renewal in 2 or 3 days. 2. When they were reared on the rice seedling, the average numbers of the eggs per female were 131.2 for the overwintered generation, 124.9 for the first generation grown on the barley, and 142.3 for the second generation grown on rice, and shelved no significant differences between the generations. More than $90\%$ of the eggs were laid within 3 weeks. 3. The hatchabilities of the eggs laid on the rice seedling in laboratory were $77.4\%$ for the first generation, $93.1\%$ for the second generation and $62.1\%$ for the third generation. The estimated hatchabilities of the eggs were $67.5\%$ for the first generation, $84.1\%$for the second generation, and $21.9\%$ for the third generation with the growing plants on the plots. The hatchability on the eggs laid by the adults infested on the barley on May 17 was $13.5\%$ compared with $67.5\%$ for the eggs laid by those infested on barley in late April. 4. The average total nymphal periods were 19.4 days for the first generation, and 13.3 days for the second generation in the laboratory and the mortalities of the nymphs seemed to related with the growing stages of the host plants. 5. With the pot experiments, the average per cents of the emerged adults were $37.2\%$ for the first generation, $55.3\%$ for the second generation, and $11.6\%$, for the third generation. The average numbers of the emerged adults were $7.4\%$ for the pots infested on the barley on May 17, instead of $37.2\%$ adults for those infested in late April. 6. From above results, it may suggest that the innate qualities of the insect are not significantly different between generations, and the differences in the increase of the population for the generations might effected considerably by the differences in the physiological conditions of tile host plant, besides the differences in physical and other biological factors.

줄무늬 잎마름병의 매개와 직접 관계가 있는 월동세대부터 제3세대까지의 애멸구의 세대별 증식상황을 기주식물의 종류 및 생육상태와 관련시켜 Pot시험과 유균사육을 하여 다으과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 월동세대, 맥류에서 우화한 제1세대, 벼에서의 제2세대 성충의 평균 수명은 13.4일, 12.9일, 10.2일로 사료교환시의 간섭으로 정상성충의 수명에 비하여 짧아졌으나 세대별 차는 적은 것으로 생각된다. 2. 월동세대, 제1세대, 그리고 제2세대 성충의 유묘상에서의 평균산란수는 각각 131.3, 124.9 그리고 142.3으로 큰 차가 없었으며 대체로 3주 이내에 전체의 $90\%$ 이상이 산란되었다. 3. 부화율은 유묘상에서 제1세대가 $77.4\%$, 제2세대가 $93.1\%$였으나 pot 실험에서 정추란수에 의한 부화율은 제1세대 $67.5\%$, 제2세대 $84.1\%$ 제3세대 $21.9\%$ 등으로 현저한 차가 있으며 보리에서 5월 17일 늦게 접종한 것에서는 란수에는 큰 차가 없었으나 부화율은 $13.5\%$로 5월 1일 이전 접종시의 $67.5\%$에 비하여 극히 낮았다. 4. 약충기간은 제1세대 19.4일, 제2세대 13.3일이었고 약충기간중의 치사율은 기주식물의 생육상태에 따라 차가 있는 듯 하였다. 5. Pot시험에서의 평균우화수는 제1세대 $37.2\%$, 제2세대 $55.3\%$, 제3세대 $11.6\%$으로 세대간차가 심하였으며 보리에서 5월 17일 접종구의 평균성충수가 $7.4\%$였음을 생각할 때 기주의 생리적 조건과 밀접한 관계가 있는 것으로 생각된다. 6. 이상으로 보아 애멸구의 선천적 증식능에는 세대간차가 없는 것으로 생각되며 기주의 생리적 조건은 기상적 조건이나 천적과 아울러 밀도변동에 밀접한 관계가 있으며 애멸구의 강한 이동성도 이와 같은 점과 유관한 것으로 추측된다.
