System operator가 다단계재고동적(多段階在庫動的) system 에 미치는 영향(影響)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)

Effect of System Operator on Dynamic Multi-Stage Inventory Problems

  • 김만식 (한양대학교 공과대학 공업경영학과)
  • 발행 : 1977.06.30


Most of the current literature on inventory theory has been devoted to the study of single stage models. A class of inventory problems which is of great interest is the multistage inventory system which involves a series and hierarchical sequence of stations. This study analyzes some aspect of the series type and multi-stage inventory system, using the fixed cycle ordering which bas a modificatory control function in the system equations. The objective of this study is to clarify the dynamic behavior of the system. The author has derived the theoretical formulas of variation of ordering quantity and stock fluctuation of each stage due to power spectral density function. Influence of parameters such as, (1) intensity of autocorrelation of demand sequence ($\lambda$), (2) forecasting exponential smoothing factors of each stage (${\alpha}_1,\;{\alpha}_2,\;{\alpha}_3$) and (3) production control factor of the 3rd stage ($\gamma$), as operators of the system on the variation of ordering quantity and stock fluctuation of the system. is also clarified. As a result of this study, the relations between the variation of ordering quantity, stock fluctuation and the parameters of the system, have been found. The principles and the theorical analysis presented here will be applicable to more complex type of discrete control systems in constructing the specific condition of the system to minimize inventory variances.
