교감신경 흥분성 amine류의 분자구조와 약리효과 간의 관계를 설명하기 위하여 phenethylamine에서 benzene 고리와 ethylamine의 ${\alpha},{\beta}$ 위치와 amine의 질소에 hydroxy기와 methyl기 등을 도입한 23종의 약품에 대한 분자 특성을 EHT법으로 계산하여 검토하였다.
We applied the EHT method to 23 kinds of adrenergic agents, sympathomimetics, which were derived from phenethylamine by introducing hydroxy and methyl group to benzene ring, ${\alpha}-\;or\;{\beta}$-position and nitrogen of ethylamine. We have stated and discussed theoretically the relationship between their structural characteristics and biological activities by compairing with the calculated values.